№ 1 (2025)



Dear colleagues and readers,

We are pleased to welcome you to the pages of our journal “Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education” and are proud to present you the new issue.

In accordance with the concept of the journal as a scientific periodical, we publish information on Russian and international achievements in the field of medicine, modern experimental data, results of clinical studies, original research papers, reviews, practical recommendations, unique and didactic clinical cases, and brief reports on health care problems relevant both in Russia and abroad.

The priority of the journal remains to be materials with a high level of scientific evidence, designed according to international ethical requirements and capable of arousing the interest of Russian and foreign authors and readers.

Since 2022, the journal has been included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), and since March 2024, it has been included in the “List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals in which the main scientific results of doctoral and candidate theses should be published” in the following specialisation groups:

  • 3.1.3. Otorhinolaryngology
  • 3.1.9. Surgery
  • 3.1.13. Urology and andrology
  • 3.1.23. Dermatovenerology
  • 3.1.33. Restorative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Therapeutic Physical Training, Resortology and Physiotherapy, Medical and Social Rehabilitation

The journal is interdisciplinary and we hope that it will be of interest to doctors from a wide range of scientific fields.

Best regards, Editor-in-Chief
V.V. Gladko



R.A. Pakhomova1, E.M. Biyaslanova1, A.S. Murtuzalieva2, S.V. Fedotov3


1 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia
2 Republic Clinical Hospital No. 2, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Russia
3 Family Doctor, Moscow, Russia


Background. Abdominoplasty is an aesthetic operation aimed at eliminating a cosmetic defect in the anterior abdominal wall.

Purpose. To systematize the literature data on the issue of abdominoplasty and correction of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Main content. The most common reason requiring body correction was and remains abdominoptosis and divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. Abdominoplasty occupies one of the first places in the list of plastic aesthetic operations. A significant increase in the number of performed operations of abdominoplasty and suturing of the diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles necessitates a study of the effectiveness of the above operations. Most abdominoplasty operations are combined with diastasis of the rectus abdominis. A separate point should be indicated for abdominoplasty after previously performed bariatric surgeries. With the increasing demand for cosmetic correction, the number of plastic surgeries performed is also increasing. This leads to an increase in postoperative complications.

Conclusion. The steady increase in the number of operations aimed at correcting the shape of the abdomen requires further study of the technique, the materials used, and reducing the number of postoperative complications.

KEYWORDS: abdominoptosis, abdominoplasty, diastasis, rectus abdominis

CORRESPONDENCE: Elmira M. Biyaslanova, e-mail: Soul617@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Pakhomova R.A., Biyaslanova E.M., Murtuzalieva A.S., Fedotov S.V. History of Abdominoplasty and Diastasis Suturing of Rectus Abdominis // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuous Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — P. 8–12. — DOI 10.36107/2782- 1714_2025-5-1-8–12.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Louri N.A., Ammar H.M., Abdulkariml F.A., Alkhaldi T., AlHasan R.N. Abdominoplasty: Pitfalls and Prospects // Obes Surg. — 2020. — V. 30. — No 3. — Р. 1112–1117. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11695–019-04367–5
  2. Синдеева Л.В., Чикишева И.В., Кочетова Л.В., Бабаджанян А.М. Абдоминопластика: история, современное состояние и перспективы (обзор литературы) //Вопросы реконструктивной и пластической хирургии. — 2020. — Т. 23.– No 4. — С. 30–38. https://doi. org/10.17223/1814147/75/04
  3. Плегунова С.И., Зотов В.А., Побережная О.О. Варианты техник в абдоминопластике: исторический экскурс и современный взгляд на расположение операционных разрезов //Фундаментальная и клиническая медицина. — 2018. — Т. 3. — No 1. — С. 77–89.
  4. Пахомова Р.А., Бабаджанян А.М., Кочетова Л.В., Федотов И.А. Красивый живот: виды операций, осложнения//Московский хирургический журнал. — 2021. — No 4. — С. 65–71. https://doi.org/10.17238/2072–3180-2021–4-65–71
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  8. Пахомова Р. А. и др. «Идеальный» пуп при абдоминопластике //Московский хирургический журнал. — 2023. — No. 1. — С. 43–49. https://doi.org/10.17238/2072–3180-2023–1-43–49
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  10. Макаров И. В. и др. Первый опыт применения подкожной эндоскопической пластики диастаза прямых мышц живота и пупочных грыж по методике SCOLA //Вестник медицинского института «РЕАВИЗ»: реабилитация, врач и здоровье. — 2020. — No. 3 (45). — С. 119–124.
  11. Юрасов А. В. и др. Методы коррекции изолированного диастаза прямых мышц живота и его сочетания с первичными срединными грыжами //Эндоскопическая хирургия. — 2020. — Т. 26. — No. 1. — С. 49–55.
  12. Карапетян Г. Э. и др. Исторические аспекты развития методов «укрепления» апоневроза при абдоминопластике //Московский хирургический журнал. — 2021. — No. 2. — С. 87–93. https://doi.org/10.17238/issn2072–3180.2021.2.87–93
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  14. Nahas F. X., Faustino L. D., Ferreira L. M. Abdominal wall plication and correction of deformities of the myoaponeurotic layer: focusing on materials and techniques used for synthesis //Aesthetic surgery journal. — 2019. — Т. 39. — No. Supplement_2. — С. S78-S84. https:// doi.org/10.1093/asj/sjy333
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  16. Мишалов В. Г., Храпач В. В., Балабан О. В. Алгоритм выбора метода операции при абдоминопластике //Хирургия. Восточная Европа. — 2013. — No. 3. — С. 121–132.
  17. Муса Б. Ж., Зотов В. А. Комплексная хирургическая коррекция изменений передней брюшной стенки //Молодежь в науке: Новые аргументы. — 2019. — С. 152–155.
  18. Nervil G. G. et al. Simple plication alleviates physical symptoms in patients with post-gestational rectus diastasis //Hernia. — 2023. — Т. 27. — No. 4. — С. 957–968. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10029–023-02814-y
  19. Тимербулатов М. В. и др. Сравнительный анализ изолированной абдоминопластики и сочетанной гернио-абдоминопластики // Креативная хирургия и онкология. — 2023. — Т. 13. — No. 1. — С. 39–44. https://doi.org/10.24060/2076–3093-2023–13-1–39-5.
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  21. Иванов Ю. В. и др. Мультидисциплинарный подход к хирургическому лечению пациентов с поверхностным абдоминальным ожирением //Хирургия. Журнал им. НИ Пирогова. — 2020. — No. 7. — С. 45–53.
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  27. Седышев С. Х. Алгоритм оптимизации результатов и снижения количества осложнений после абдоминопластики //Анналы пластической, реконструктивной и эстетической хирургии. — 2018. — No. 4. — С. 126.
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Пахомова Регина Александровна — д.м.н., заведующая кафедрой пластической хирургии МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «Российский биотехнологический университет (РОСБИОТЕХ)». https://orcid.org/0000–0002-3681–4685.

Биясланова Эльмира Магомирзаевна — врач, пластический хирург; аспирант МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «Российский био- технологический университет (РОСБИОТЕХ)». https://orcid.org/0009–0006-5904–6873.

Муртузалиева Анзират Султанмурадовна — к.м.н., хирург высшей категории. ГБУ РД «РКБ No 2», г. Махачкала.

Федотов Станислав Викторович — врач-хирург, АО «Семейный доктор». ORCID: 0009–0000-6127–7327.


Р.А. Пахомова — редактирование текста статьи.

Биясланова Э.М., Федотов С.В. — обработка и систематизация материала.

Муртузалиева А.С. — подбор литературы.


G.N. Gulikyan1, R.A. Pakhomova2, V.V. Kozlov3


1 Clinical Hospital ”RZHD-Medicine”, Krasnoyarsk. Russia
2 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia
3 Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia


Background. Atomic force microscopy in the diagnosis of various diseases is being used more and more every year.

Purpose. To analyze the state of the erythrocyte membrane in patients with mild and severe pancreatitis.

Materials and methods. Two groups of patients were included in the multicenter study. All patients underwent atomic force microscopy of erythrocytes obtained from peripheral venous blood using an atomic force microscope. Blood from donors was examined as a control group. Statistical processing was performed using the Statistica 6.1 program. The linear dimensions, area and volume of red blood cells and the shape and condition of the erythrocyte membrane were compared during the study.

Results. When visualizing the plasma membrane in patients with mild acute pancreatitis, the appearance of blebbing was noted. In severe acute pancreatitis, erosions of the erythrocyte membrane were detected.

Conclusion. The use of atomic force microscopy as a test makes it possible to notice a tendency to disease progression in the early stages in the absence of other changes. The use of atomic force microscopy makes it possible to quickly detect changes in the severity of the patient's condition even before the appearance of clinical and laboratory changes. Monitoring of the state of red blood cells during atomic force microscopy is necessary for timely correction of the treatment.

KEYWORDS: acute pancreatitis, atomic force microscopy, blebbing, erosion, erythrocyte

CORRESPONDENCE: Garen N. Gulikyan, e-mail: gkns_100@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Gulikyan G.N., Pakhomova R.A., Kozlov V.V. Comparative Analysis of Erythrocytes Plasma Membrane Changes Obtained by Atomic Force Microscopy in Patients with Mild and Severe Pancreatitis // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — P. 13–17. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-13–17.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Платонова К. Н. и др. Исследование эритроцитов человека методом сканирующей электронной микроскопии: условие проведения эксперимента //Молодой ученый. — 2020. — No. 23. — С. 27–33.
  2. Башук В. В. и др. Морфологические и морфофункциональные свойства эритроцитов в группе практически здоровых людей // Фундаментальные исследования. — 2014. — No. 4–2. — С. 242–245.
  3. Мороз В. В. и др. Атомная силовая микроскопия структуры мембран эритроцитов при острой кровопотере и реинфузии // Общая реаниматология. — 2009. — Т. 5. — No. 5. — С. 5–9.
  4. Шеин А. В., Карпутин В. С. Исследование типов поверхности при помощи атомно-силового микроскопа //Молодой ученый. — 2016. — No. 13. — С. 274–278.
  5. Тимашев П. С., Королева А.В., Коновалов Н.А., Котова С.Л., Соловьева А.Б. Атомно-силовая микроскопия — дополнительный метод в биомедицинских морфологических исследованиях // Современные технологии в медицине. — 2018. — No10. — С. 70.
  6. Пахомова Р. А., Гуликян Г. Н. Атомно-силовая микроскопия эритроцитов больных панкреонекрозом //Сибирское медицинское обозрение. — 2022. — No. 2 (134). — С. 49–55. DOI: 10.20333/25000136–2022-2–49-55
  7. Грекова Н. М. и др. Острый панкреатит: современные концепции хирургического лечения //Новости хирургии. — 2020. — Т. 28. — No. 2. — С. 197–206. DOI: 10.18484/2305–0047.2020.2.197
  8. Kwong W. T. Y., Ondrejková A., Vege S. S. Predictors and outcomes of moderately severe acute pancreatitis–evidence to reclassify // Pancreatology. — 2016. — Т. 16. — No. 6. — С. 940–945. DOI: 10.1016/j.pan.2016.08.001
  9. Капралов С. В. и др. Возможности прогнозирования степени тяжести острого панкреатита в ранние сроки //Вестник Национального медико-хирургического Центра им. НИ Пирогова. — 2023. — Т. 18. — No. 2. — С. 41–45. DOI: 10.25881/20728255_2023_18_2_41
  10. Халадова Л. М., Зангионов Г. Э., Карсанов А. М. Показатели заболеваемости и смертности при остром панкреатите как индикатор состояния медицинской помощи на региональном уровне //Научный Лидер. — 2023. — С. 26–28.
  11. Паршин Д.С., Михайличенко В.Ю., Абдуллаев А.Я. Острый панкреатит: новые факты и подводные камни (обзор литературы) // Таврический медико-биологический вестник. — 2023. — Т. 26. — No3. –С. 131–140.


Гуликян Гарен Нораирович — к.м.н., врач-хирург, «Клиническая больница «РЖД-Медицина» города Красноярск». ORCID 0000–0002-1549–0319.

Пахомова Регина Александровна — д.м.н., руководитель кафедры пластической и реконструктивной хирургии МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ». ORCID 0000–0002-3681–4685.

Козлов Василий Владимирович — к.м.н., доцент, доцент кафедры общественного здоровья и здравоохранения имени Н. А. Семашко, Первый МГМУ им. И. М. Сеченова. ORCID 0000–0002-2389 3820.


Гуликян Г.Н. — набор материалов, написание исследования.

Пахомова Р.А. — дизайн исследования.

Козлов В.В. — статистическая обработка.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответствуют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редакции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.


A.A. Kolesnik


Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia


Background. The significant prevalence of androgenic alopecia in the male population poses challenges to continuously improve and look for new treatment options for this disease. According to independent sources up to 80% of Caucasian men note the presence of symptoms of various stages of severity with continuous progression.

Purpose. To analyze the current directions of treatment according to the literature data for 2020-2024 with actualization of surgical method and consideration of it as a priority in the clinical practice of a doctor.

Materials and methods. The review was performed in accordance with the international PRISMA requirements in open databases (eLibrary, PubMed, Web of Science, Cyberleninka) with the analysis of 107 sources by keyword combinations with the application of 41 of them as a reference list, as well as our own clinical examples from practice. The etiology, classification and treatment methods of androgenic alopecia were considered with the formation of methodological guidelines for choosing conservative or surgical method.

Results. Conservative therapy can be used in a narrow list of indications, or as one of the components of complex therapy of androgenic alopecia. The main option, which can be used also as an isolated one, is the autotransplantation of hair follicles according to the FUE method.

Conclusion. FUE hair autotransplantation seems to be the most promising and effective method of treatment of androgenic alopecia today. This method is able to provide a stable, natural and durable result, significantly improving the quality of life of patients and reducing their dependence on constant medication.

KEYWORDS: androgenic alopecia, autotransplantation of hair, FUE, grafts, dihydrotestosterone, surgical treatment

CORRESPONDENCE: Anastasia A. Kolesnik. Email: bonfv802@gmail.com

FOR CITATIONS: Kolesnik A. A. Surgical Treatment of Androgenic Alopecia in Clinical Practice // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 18–23. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-18–23.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Колесник Анастасия Андреевна — аспирант кафедры пластической хирургии, Медицинский институт непрерывного образования ФГБОУ ВО «Российский Биотехнологический Университет (РОСБИОТЕХ)». ORCID: 0009-0002-9999-4107.


V.A. Musailov1,2, I.G. Buzel1,3, P.M. Starokon2, V.A. Potapov4, N. I. Galik2, R.S. Islamgazin4, P.S. Markevich1


1 National Medical Research Center of High Medical Technologies, Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky, Moscow Region, Russia
2 Branch of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, Moscow, Russia
3 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia
4 Russian University of Medicine, Moscow, Russia


Patient safety during surgical procedures has been a pressing issue for many years. For this reason, theWorld Health Organisation (WHO) established the World Alliance for Patient Safety in 2004. As part of this alliance, a campaign entitled “Safe Surgery Saves Lives” was launched in 2008. Care-related injury is iatrogenic and, unlike complications of disease, is preventable (WHO, 2019).The unintentional leaving of foreign bodies in a patient's body during surgical procedures, is defined as “an unacceptable event”. This event can have serious legal, financial and reputational consequences for the operating surgeon and the hospital. The article considers the reasons of unintentional foreign body retention in the patient's body during surgical operations, what foreign bodies are most often retained, the frequency of their retention, and at what surgical interventions this event occurs. Prevention and objective control techniques such as marker board, transparent bag-container systems, X-ray contrast wipes, barcoding and RFID tags are described.

KEYWORDS: patientsafety, surgical intervention, complications in surgery, gossypiboma, textiloma, abdominal foreign bodies, unintentional foreign body retention

CORRESPONDENCE: Vitaly A. Musailov, e-mail: musailove@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Musailov V.A., Buzel I.G., Starokon P.M. [et al]. Abdominal Foreign Bodies: Relevance and Prevention // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 24–32. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025–5-1-24–32.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Мусаилов Виталий Анатольевич — д.м.н., начальник хирургического отделения ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр высоких медицинских технологий — Центральный военный клинический госпиталь имени А.А. Вишневского» Минобороны России. Преподаватель кафедры хирургии с курсом онкологии и лучевой диагностики филиал ФГБУ ВО «Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова» Минобороны России в г. Москве. Researcher ID Web of Science: HKF-2148–2023; https://orcid.org/0000–0002-0168–0939; eLIBRARY SPIN-код: 3379–0023, eLIBRARY Author ID: 856312, Scopus ID 26536472300.

Бузель Игорь Георгиевич — к.м.н, врач пластический хирург ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр высоких медицинских технологий — Центральный военный клинический госпиталь имени А.А. Вишневского» Минобороны России. Доцент кафедры пластической хирургии МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ». eLIBRARY SPIN- код: 8459–9989, eLIBRARY Author ID: 983527, https://orcid.org/0009–0005-5296–4535.

Евсеев Максим Александрович — д.м.н., профессор, заместитель начальника госпиталя по научной работе ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр высоких медицинских технологий — Центральный военный клинический госпиталь имени А.А. Вишневского» Минобороны России. eLIBRARY SPIN-код: 2808–0039, eLIBRARY Author ID: 700230, https:// orcid.org/0000–0003-3102–9626.

Староконь Павел Михайлович — д.м.н., профессор, старший преподаватель кафедры хирургии с курсом онкологии и лучевой диагностики, филиал ФГБУ ВО «Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова» Минобороны России в г. Москве. https://orcid.org/0000–0002-6512–9361; eLIBRARY SPIN-код:4367–6501; eLIBRARY AuthorID: 553813.

Потапов Вячеслав Александрович — к.м.н., преподаватель военного учебного центра, ФГБОУ ВО «Российский уни- верситет медицины» МЗ РФ, https://orcid.org/0000–0001-9995–0134; eLIBRARY SPIN-код: 4282–3606, eLIBRARY AuthorID: 1127236.

Маркевич Павел Сергеевич — к.м.н., заведующий отделением гнойной хирургии ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр высоких медицинских технологий — Центральный военный клинический госпиталь имени А.А. Вишневского» Минобороны России. ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000–0001-7613–1005.

Галик Наталья Ивановна — к.м.н., доцент кафедры хирургии с курсом онкологии и лучевой диагностики филиала ФГБВОУ ВО «Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова» Минобороны России в г. Москве. SPIN-код: 9936–1759, Author ID РИНЦ: 1122915, https://orcid.org/0000–0002-0157–372X.

Исламгазин Руслан Шамилевич — студент лечебного факультета ФГБОУ ВО «Российский университет медицины» МЗ РФ, https://orcid.org/0000–0002-9239–0645 SPIN-код: 2756–0970, AuthorID: 1167491.


Мусаилов В.А. — идея статьи, актуальность проблемы, первичный анализ литературы. Бузель И.Г. — составление литературного обзора.

Потапов В.А., Исламгазин Р.Ш. — написание текста статьи.

Евсеев М.А., Маркевич П.С. — рецензирование и научное сопровождение.

Исламгазин Р.Ш. — перевод на английский язык.

Галик Н.И. — составление таблиц, работа с изображениями.

Староконь П.М. — окончательное утверждение версии для публикации.


A.N. Onosovskaya1, A.V. Vlasenko2,3, V.P. Kutsenko1


1 Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia
3 Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology of the Moscow Department of Health, Moscow, Russia


Adhesive process is a serious clinical problem in gynecological surgery of the 21st century. The process itself is the appearance of fibrous bridges between the internal organs of the peritoneum and pelvis after mechanical, physical or infectious effects on them. Currently, conservative treatment of adhesive disease is ineffective, and recurrence of adhesions is possible in up to 71% of patients who have undergone abdominal surgery. In gynecological practice, according to WHO, adhesive disease develops at occlusion of the fallopian tubes, after appendectomy in 15% of patients and after surgical interventions on the ovaries, after myomectomy in 60-80% of patients. The article discusses options for preventing adhesive disease based on the comparative characteristics of barrier methods for preventing adhesion formation and the use of immunomodulating drugs.

KEYWORDS: immunomodulators, longidase, icodextrin, prophylaxis, adhesion disease

CORRESPONDENCE: Valery P. Kutsenko, E-mail: val9126@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: A. N. Onosovskaya, A. V. Vlasenko, V. P. Kutsenko Comparison of Methods for Preventing Adhesion Formation after Pelvic Surgery // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 33–38. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025- 5-1-33–38.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Оносовская Александра Никитична — ординатор 2 года кафедры педиатрии им. академика А.Ф. Тура, ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет» МЗ РФ. ORCID: https://orcid. org/0009–0005-5507–4482.

Власенко Александр Владимирович — к.м.н., доцент, член-корреспондент МАНЭБ, профессор кафедры терапии с курсом фармакологии и фармации Медицинского института непрерывного образования ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», врач-эпидемиолог ГБУЗ города Москвы «Научно-исследовательский институт неотложной детской хирургии и травма- тологии — Клиника доктора Рошаля» Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000– 0003-4843–621X, SPIN-код: 9401–4883, AuthorID: 740391.

Куценко Валерий Петрович — к.м.н., доцент кафедры современных методов диагностики и радиолучевой терапии им. профессора С.А. Рейнберга. Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет. https:// 0000–0001-9755–1906, SPIN код: 5760–0218, AuthorID: 841498.


Оносовская А.Н. — сбор и обработка материала, анализ литературы, подготовка и написание текста статьи.

Власенко А.В. — дизайн статьи, теоретическое обоснование, редактирование.

Куценко В.П. — определение концепции, целей и задач статьи, анализ литературы, редактирование, одобрение окончательной версии статьи.


I.V. Kopytich1, D.I. Sergeev1, R.A. Pakhomova1, V.V. Vorotnikov1, A.V. Soinov2, S.A. Abdugafforov1


1 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia
2 Russian University of Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


Background. Lymphostasis is a disease that significantly impairs the quality of life and social opportunities for a person. The disease is characterized by a violation of the normal outflow of lymph, which leads to tissue edema.

Purpose. A comparative analysis of modern methods of lymphostasis treatment.

Materials and methods. Conservative and surgical methods of treating patients with lymphostasis.

Results. Conservative methods of treatment have proven their effectiveness when used in a combined format. Surgical methods of treatment are considered as an addition to conservative ones.

Conclusion. There is a tendency in most cases to shift towards microsurgical methods and bioengineering methods of lymphostasis correction.

KEYWORDS: lymphostasis, edema, lymphedema, treatment, conservative, surgical, innovative methods

CORRESPONDENCE: Igor V. Kopytich, Kopytichmd@gmail.com

FOR CITATIONS: Kopytich I.V., Sergeev D.I., Pakhomova R.A., Vorotnikov V.V., Soinov A.V., Abdugafforov S.A. Modern Methods of Lymphostasis Treatment: A Comparative Analysis // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continung Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 39–44. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-39–44.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Копытич Игорь Викторович — эстетический, реконструктивно-пластический хирург, аспирант кафедры пластической хирургии МИНО ФГБОУ ВО РОСБИОТЕХ, Москва, Россия. ORCID: 0000–0003-2713–0115.

Сергеев Денис Игоревич — старший преподаватель кафедры пластической хирургии МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», Москва, Россия. ORCID: 0000–0002–3681–4685, eLIBRARY SPIN-код: 2616–9580, eLIBRARY AuthorID: 661147.

Пахомова Регина Александровна — д.м.н., доцент, заведующая кафедрой пластической хирургии МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», Москва, Россия. ORCID: 0000–0002–3681–4685, eLIBRARY SPIN-код: 2616–9580, eLIBRARY AuthorID: 661147.

Воротников Владимир Владимирович — врач-онколог, к.м.н. доцент кафедры пластической хирургии МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», Москва, Россия. ORCID: 0000–0002-7223–0150.

Cойнов Александр Валерьевич — врач-онколог, соискатель кафедры онкологии и лучевой терапии лечебного факультета НОИ Клинической медицины им. Н.А. Семашко ФГБОУ ВО Российский Университет Медицины МЗ РФ, Москва, Россия. ORCID: 0000–0003–3739–5344.

Абдугаффоров Сардор Абдугаффорович — врач-пластический хирург, аспирант кафедры пластической хирургии МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», Москва, Россия. ORCID: 0000–0001–6732–6564.


Пахомова Р. А., Воротников В. В. — общее руководство.

Копытич И. В. — написание текста.

Сергеев Д. И., Cойнов А. В., Абдугаффоров С. А. — редактирование текста.



V.I. Vtorenko1, A.I. Ushakova1, V.M. Bakhir2, I.V. Kozlov2


1 City Clinical Hospital No. 52 of the Moscow City Healthcare Department, Russia
2 Vitold Bakhir Institute of Electrochemical Systems and Technologies, Moscow, Russia


Background. From the epidemiological point of view, the relevance of work in the healthcare system in the field of nephrology is related to the need to destroy biofilms of microorganisms in hydraulic systems, cleaning of organo-mineral deposits and disinfection of the internal surface of the hydraulic system of hemodialysis machines.

Purpose. To solve the problem of import substitution and to create a new technology for the production and use of an environmentally friendly universal agent at the place of consumption in the conditions of dialysis centres.

Materials and methods. Technical electrochemical system for solution synthesis. Chemical reactions of water decomposition on inert anode and cathode of diaphragm electrochemical reactor.

Results. A new methodological approach and techno-technological solutions have been developed to give the citric acid solution the properties of an effective agent for cleaning from organo-mineral deposits of internal surfaces of the hydraulic system of the hemodialysis apparatus in combination with the properties of an agent for high-level disinfection.

Conclusion. High efficiency of action eliminates duplication and rotation of used cleaning and disinfection agents, reduces the preparation time of the device for dialysis session. Prospects are associated with the use of locally produced broad-spectrum disinfectant in various departments of the hospital.

KEYWORDS: health saving technologies, electrochemical disinfection systems, biofilms, microbiological safety, import substitution

CORRESPONDENCE: Vitold M. Bakhir, vitold@bakhir.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Vtorenko V.I., Ushakova A.I., Bakhir V.M., Kozlov I.V. Electrochemical Technology for Cleaning and Disinfection of Hemodialysis Equipment // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 45–51. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-45–51.

FUNDING SOURCE: Established with grant support from the the Moscow City Healthcare Department (Project “Development of progressive technical means of new generation, formation of new methodological approaches and creation of import-substituting technologies ensuring biological safety of patients and staff during dialysis therapy”, application No. 1003-10/23).

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Вторенко Владимир Иванович — д.м.н., профессор, Президент ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница No 52 Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы», ORCID: 0000–0002-8697–2841.

Ушакова Анжела Ильинична — заведующая отделением (дневной стационар гемодиализа), врач-нефролог высшей квалификационной категории, ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница No 52 Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы», ORCID: 0000–0002-3959–6281, SPIN-код: 5471–7436, AuthorID: 1084769.

Бахир Витольд Михайлович — д.т.н., научный руководитель ООО «Институт электрохимических систем и технологий Витольда Бахира», ORCID: 0000–0003-2747–4380, SPIN-код: 7755–0080, AuthorID: 270514.

Козлов Игорь Владимирович — к.т.н., главный технолог ООО «Институт электрохимических систем и технологий Витольда Бахира», SPIN-код: 8551–1874, AuthorID: 1188988.


Вторенко В.И. — концепция и дизайн исследования, анализ и систематизация данных.

Ушакова А.И. — сбор материала, обобщение данных.

Бахир В.М. — формирование стратегии научной работы, написание и корректировка итоговой редакции текста статьи.

Козлов И.В. — анализ и выработка тактики исследования и технико-технологических решений, поиск и анализ литературных источников, подготовка черновика рукописи.


E.A. Shuikova1, S.P. Zapariy1, O.A. Letskaya1, A.V. Sokurov2


1 Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in Moscow of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
2 Federal Scientific and Educational Center for Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation named after G.A. Albrecht of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia


Background. Rehabilitation of disabled people due to malignant colorectal neoplasms is an important element of the healthcare and social sphere system aimed at restoring the physical, psychological and social consequences of the disease and treatment.

Purpose. To analyze the needs of people with disabilities in various types of medical and social rehabilitation in Moscow for 2016-2022, to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures recommended in the individual rehabilitation and habilitation program for the disabled.

Materials and methods. The study of statistical observation formsNo. 7-sobes and the databases of the Unified automated vertically-integrated information and analytical system for medical and social expert appraisals of Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in Moscow" was carried out using the methods of data extraction and descriptive statistics.

Results. In 100% of cases, individual rehabilitation or habilitation programs were developed for all initially and re-recognized disabled people. Medical and social rehabilitation measures were the main types of recommended measures. The largest share was made up of individual rehabilitation or habilitation programs developed for newly recognized people with disabilities, with a tendency to increase their share in dynamics. In the structure of individual rehabilitation or habilitation programs for the severity of disability, programs developed for the disabled of group II prevailed, the proportion of rehabilitation programs for the disabled of groups I and III did not significantly differ. There was a tendency towards an increase in recommendations on social and occupational rehabilitation measures, as well as recommendations on the need for technical rehabilitation facilities. The largest share among the recommended technical rehabilitation devices was made up of special means for impaired excretory function (73.8%). As a result of the rehabilitation measures carried out, full compensation for impaired functions of people with disabilities due to malignant neoplasms of the colon was achieved by an average of 3.6%. Partial compensation of impaired functions was achieved in 39.1%.

Conclusion. Individual rehabilitation or habilitation programs were developed for all persons with disabilities due to malignant neoplasms of the colon, with afocus on medical and social rehabilitation, while the largest share fell on newly recognized people with disabilities, mainly group II, with an increase in recommendations for social and professional rehabilitation and the provision of technical rehabilitation facilities. However, despite the ongoing rehabilitation measures, only 3.6% of people with disabilities achieved full compensation for impaired functions, which indicates the need to improve rehabilitation programs to increase their effectiveness.

KEYWORDS: types of rehabilitation, need, disabled person, individual rehabilitation or habilitation program

CORRESPONDENCE: Ekaterina A. Shuikova, e-mail: shuykova160388@yandex.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Shuikova E.A., Zapariy S.P., Letskaya O.A. [et al.] Analysis of the Needs of People with Disabilities due to Malignant Neoplasms of the Colon in Medical and Social Rehabilitation in Moscow for 2016-2022 // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 52–55. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-52–55.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Арингазина A. М., Олжаев С. Т., Хегай Б. С. Реабилитация в онкологии // Профилактическая медицина. — 2019. — Т. 22. — No. 5. — С. 131–135.
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  3. Медико-социальная реабилитация больных со злокачественными опухолями и другими инвалидизирующими заболеваниями / А. Н. Редькин, Е. Ю. Устинова, Ю. С. Иванова [и др.] // Паллиативная медицина и реабилитация. — 2019. — No 3. — С. 31–33
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Шуйкова Екатерина Алексеевна — врач по медико-социальной экспертизе экспертного состава No8 ФКУ «Главное бюро МСЭ по г. Москве» Минтруда России.

Запарий Сергей Петрович — д.м.н., главный эксперт, врач по медико-социальной экспертизе, ФКУ «Главное бюро МСЭ по г. Москве» Минтруда России.

Лецкая Ольга Александровна — к.м.н., заместитель руководителя по экспертной работе, врач по медико-социальной экспертизе ФКУ «Главное бюро МСЭ по г.Москве» Минтруда России.

Сокуров Андрей Владимирович — д.м.н., директор Института ранней помощи ФГБУ ФНЦРИ им. Г.А. Альбрехта Минтруда России


Шуйкова. Е.А. — обзор литературы, анализ и интерпретация полученных данных, написание текста статьи.

Запарий С.П. — разработка концепции статьи, формулировка цели исследования.

Лецкая О.А. — сбор данных, редактирование текста статьи.

Запарий С.П., Сокуров А.В. — утверждение окончательного варианта статьи.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответствуют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редакции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.


A.M. Shchegolkov1,2, S.V. Kalinina2, V.V. Klimko1, T.V. Chursina1, V.V. Ivanov3, O.I. Shalygina2, R.I. Massalsky2


1 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia
2 Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russia
3 Branch No. 2, National Medical Research Center for High Medical Technologies named after A.A. Vishnevsky, Moscow, Russia


Background. The aetiology and pathogenesis of phantom limb pain (PLP) is currently considered from the perspective of various theories, which can be conditionally divided into peripheral and central. Auriculotherapy is a form of reflexology based on the idea that the ear is a microsystem reflecting the entire body represented on the auricle. Irritation of biologically active points with acupuncture needles causes the accumulation of enkephalins, serotonin, substance R. Acupuncture triggers the mechanism of an antinociceptive reaction. According to E.S. Velhover [1], auriculopuncture closes reflex arcs through the cerebral cortex, stem and subcortical structures. The high effectiveness of auriculopuncture is explained by the effect on the central nervous system structures, which are mainly involved in the formation of phantom pain syndrome.

Purpose. To evaluate the effectiveness of auriculotherapy in the complex medical rehabilitation of patients with PLP.

Materials and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of Branch No. 2, National Medical Research Center for High Medical Technologies named after A.A. Vishnevsky of the Russian Ministry of Defense. 200 patients with PLP were under observation. The study included male patients aged 20 to 50 years, with phantom limb pain of various localization, lasting from 2 to 6 months, who had not previously undergone acupuncture treatment. The exclusion criteria were patients with a history of strokes and brain and spinal cord injuries at the time of initiation of treatment, with chronic diseases of the nervous system that worsen the course of phantom pain syndrome, with depressive syndrome and a negative attitude towards treatment.

Results. Pain reduction in patients of the main group (MG) with the use of auriculotherapy was achieved in 74% of cases, in the control group(CG) — in 59% of cases. The obtained results persisted in patients from (MG) for up to 6 months, from (CG) — up to 3 months.

Conclusion. The inclusion of auriculopuncture in the comprehensive medical rehabilitation of patients with phantom limb pain makes it possible to reduce the manifestation of the syndrome, shorten the duration of prosthetics and thereby increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs.

KEYWORDS: medical rehabilitation, auriculopuncture, phantom limb pain, visual-analog pain scale, quality of life

CORRESPONDENCE: Vasily V. Klimko, e-mail: W_Klimko@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Shchegolkov A.M., Kalinina S.V., Klimko V.V. et al. Medical Rehabilitation of Patients with Phantom Limb Pain Using Auriculopuncture // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 56–61. — DOI 10.36107/2782- 1714_2025-5-1-56–61.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Щегольков Александр Михайлович — д.м.н, профессор, заведующий кафедрой интегративной и восточной медицины ФГБВОУ ВО «Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова» Минобороны Российской Федерации, профессор кафедры медицинской реабилитации и физических методов лечения c курсами остеопатии и паллиативной медицины Медицинского института непрерывного образования ФГБОУ ВО «Российский биотехнологический уни- верситет». ORCHID: 0000–0003-1252–4883, SPIN-код: 5141–9159, AuthorID: 561945.

Калинина Светлана Викторовна — к.м.н., доцент кафедры интегративной и восточной медицины ФГБВОУ ВО «Во- енно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова» Минобороны Российской Федерации. ORCHID: 0009–0005-1191– 0549, SPIN-код: 8805–5183, AuthorID: 1203062.

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Чурсина Татьяна Вячеславовна — д.м.н., доцент кафедры медицинской реабилитации и физических методов лечения c курсами остеопатии и паллиативной медицины Медицинского института непрерывного образования ФГБОУ ВО «Российский биотехнологический университет». ORCHID: 0009–0001-6757–5226, SPIN-код: 2075–4317, Author ID: 475805.

Иванов Владимир Владимирович — к.м.н., врач-рефлексотерапевт Филиала No 2 ФГБУ «НМИЦ ВМТ им. А.А. Вишневского» Минобороны России. ORCHID: 0009–0009-8643–9789, SPIN-код: 3455–9801.

Шалыгина Ольга Ивановна — кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры интегративной и восточной медицины ФГБВОУ ВО «Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова» Министерства обороны Российской Федерации. ORCHID: 0000–0002-9249–6984.

Массальский Роман Ильич — преподаватель кафедры интегративной и восточной медицины ФГБВОУ ВО «Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова» Министерства обороны Российской Федерации. ORCHID: 0000–0003- 4467–0260, SPIN-код: 8984–2460, AuthorID: 1067722.


А.М. Щегольков, В.В. Климко, Т.В. Чурсина — концепция и дизайн статьи, редактирование, одобрение окончательной версии статьи.

В.В. Иванов — исследование.

О.И. Шалыгина — теоретическое обоснование, концепция и дизайн статьи.

С.В. Калинина, Р.И. Массальский — анализ литературы, сбор и обработка материала, редактирование статьи.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответству- ют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редак- ции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.


A.A.Belkin1,2, A.V.Bershadsky1,2, R.V.Salyukov3,4,5, А.Y. Suvorov4,6


1 Ural State Medical Academy, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2 Brain Institute Clinic, Berezovskii city, Russia
3 Faculty of Continuing Medical Education, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
4 Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
5 Russian Scientific Center of Roentgenoradiology of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
6 Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia


Background. One of the complex issues in the management of urinary disorders in spinal cord injury is the choice of bladder drainage method at different time points in the course of the disease.

Purpose. To demonstrate the criteria and limitations of the choice of different methods of bladder catheterization in different concomitant circumstances of spinal cord injury.

Materials and methods. The clinical case of one patient with the consequences of spinal cord injury undergoing rehabilitation phase of treatment is described.

Results. Based on the presented material, the problems of non-compliance with the rules of working with urinary drains, complications from the side of urinary tract are outlined, and criteria for the choice of methods of bladder drainage are proposed.

Conclusion. It allows to evaluate the importance of individual selection of bladder drainage method, obligatory observance of indications and contraindications to installation and management of urinary drains. The conclusions are practically significant for all specialists dealing with this pathology.

KEYWORDS: spinal cord injury, neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, urethral catheter, cystostoma, periodic catheterization, autonomic dysreflexia, rehabilitation

CORRESPONDENCE: Artem V. Bershadsky, e-mail: natsia@gmail.com

FOR CITATIONS: Belkin A.A., Bershadsky A.V., Salyukov R.V., Suvorov А.Y. Choice of Bladder Drainage Method in Different Periods ofSpinal Cord Injury// Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 62–67. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-62–67.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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  12. Patel D. P. и др. Study protocol: patient reported outcomes for bladder management strategies in spinal cord injury // BMC Urology. — 2017. — Т. 17. — No 1.
  13. Averch T. D. и др. AUA White Paper on Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections: Definitions and Significance in the Urological Patient // Urology Practice. — 2015. — Т. 2. — No 6. — С. 321–328.
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Белкин Андрей Августович — д.м.н., профессор кафедр нервных болезней и анестезиологии-реаниматологии Уральского государственного медицинского университета, https://orcid.org/0000–0002-0544–1492.

Салюков Роман Вячеславович — д.м.н., профессор кафедры урологии с курсами онкологии, радиологии и андрологии ФНМО МИ ФГБОУ ВПО РУДН Минобрнауки РФ, доцент кафедры медицинской реабилитации ФДПО ФГА- ОУ ВО «Российский Национальный Исследовательский Медицинский Университет им. Н.И. Пирогова» Минздрава РФ, научный сотрудник ФГБУ «Российский научный центр Рентгенорадиологии» Минздрава России, https://orcid. org/0000–0002-7128–6400.

Суворов Андрей Юрьевич — к.м.н., ученый секретарь ФГБУ «Федеральный центр мозга и нейротехнологий» ФМБА России; доцент кафедры медицинской реабилитации ФДПО ФГАОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова Минздрава Рос- сии, https://orcid.org/0000–0003-4901–2208.

Бершадский Артем Валерьевич — к.м.н., врач-уролог Центра медицинской реабилитации Клиники Института Мозга, г. Березовский, Россия. http://orcid.org/0000–0002-5256–8410.


Белкин А.А, Салюков Р.В. — концепция и дизайн статьи.

Бершадский А.В., Белкин А.А. — сбор и обработка материала.

Бершадский А.В. Салюков Р.В, Суворов А.Ю. — написание текста статьи.

Белкин А.А., Салюков Р.В., Суворов А.Ю. — редактирование статьи.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответству- ют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редак- ции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.



B.V. Khanaliev1, T-A.A. Aliev1, U.A. Aliev1


1 Institute for Advanced Medical Education, , National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


Background. Prostate cancer (PCa) is a malignant tumour that forms from the glandular epithelium of the prostate gland. Today, prostate cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers in the male population. The method of choice for radical treatment of localised prostate cancer is robot-assisted prostatectomy (RAPP).

Purpose. To evaluate the modern possibilities of robotic surgery and to determine the relevance of transition from multiport to single-port system.

Conclusion. Elevated BMI is a predisposing factor for urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction (ED) in the postoperative post-RARP period.

KEYWORDS: prostate cancer, robot-assisted prostatectomy, da Vinci SP surgical system

CORRESPONDENCE: Turpal-Ali A. Aliev, e-mail: turpal.urolog@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Khanaliev B.V., Aliev T-A.A., Aliev U.A. Robot-assisted Prostatectomy Using the Da Vinci SP Surgical System: the Transition from a Multi-port to a Single-port System // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No 1. — P. 68–71. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-68–71.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Шевченко Ю. Л. и др. Робототехника в хирургии: истоки, реалии, перспективы //Вестник национального медико-хирургического центра им. НИ Пирогова. — 2008. — Т. 3. — No. 2. — С. 72–76.
  2. Gezginci E. et al. Postoperative pain and neuromuscular complications associated with patient positioning after robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: a retrospective non-placebo and non-randomized study //International urology and nephrology. — 2015. — Т. 47. — С. 1635–1641. doi: 10.1007/s11255–015-1088–8. Epub 2015 Sep 2.
  3. Gezginci E. et al. Postoperative pain and neuromuscular complications associated with patient positioning after robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: a retrospective non-placebo and non-randomized study //International urology and nephrology. — 2015. — Т. 47. — С. 1635–1641.
  4. Лоран О. Б., Велиев Е. И., Няхин В. А. Анализ качества жизни пациентов в течение первого года после радикальной позадилонной простатэктомии //Онкоурология. — 2005. — No. 2. — С. 50–53.
  5. Пушкарь Д.Ю., Колонтарев К.Б. Робот-ассистированная радикальная простатэктомия. Функциональный результат. Часть I. Хирургия // Журнал им. Н.И.Пирогова. — 2019. — Т. 3. — No 1. — С. 111–120. https://doi.org/10.17116/hirurgia2019031111
  6. Абоян И. А. и др. Робот-ассистированная радикальная простатэктомия. Опыт первых 100 операций //Урологические ведомости. — 2015. — Т. 5. — No. 1. — С. 12.
  7. Пушкарь Д.Ю., Колонтарев К.Б. Робот-ассистированная радикальная простатэктомия. Функциональный результат. Часть I. Хирургия // Журнал им. Н.И.Пирогова. — 2019. — Т.3. — No1. — С.111–120. https://doi.org/10.17116/hirurgia2019031111
  8. Абоян И. А. и др. Робот-ассистированная радикальная простатэктомия. Опыт первых 100 операций //Урологические ведомости. — 2015. — Т. 5. — No. 1. — С. 12.
  9. Francavilla S. et al. Radical prostatectomy technique in the robotic evolution: from da Vinci standard to single port—a single surgeon pathway // Journal of Robotic Surgery. — 2022. — С. 1–7. doi: 10.1007/s11701–021-01194–8. Epub 2021 Feb 7. PMID: 33554284; PMCID: PMC8863749.
  10. Kim J. E. et al. Single-port robotic radical prostatectomy: short-term outcomes and learning curve //Journal of Endourology. — 2022. — Т. 36. — No. 10. — С. 1285–1289. doi: 10.1089/end.2021.0885. PMID: 35906798; PMCID: PMC9587764.
  11. Franco A. et al. Single-port robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: where do we stand? //Current Oncology. — 2023. — Т. 30. — No. 4. — С. 4301–4310. doi: 10.3390/curroncol30040328. PMID: 37185441; PMCID: PMC10136812.
  12. Bassett J. C., Salibian S., Crivellaro S. Single-port retzius-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: feasibility and early outcomes // Journal of Endourology. — 2022. — Т. 36. — No. 5. — С. 620–625. doi: 10.1089/end.2021.0542. Epub 2022 Jan 12. PMID: 34931527.


Ханалиев Бениамин Висампашаевич — д.м.н.. профессор, заведующий отделением урологии ФГБУ «НМХЦ им. Н.И. Пирогова» МЗ РФ. ORCID 0000–0003-1188–2144; SPIN-код: 5639–1843, AuthorID: 1077100.

Алиев Турпал-Али Алиевич — врач-ординатор отделения урологии ФГБУ «НМХЦ им. Н.И. Пирогова» МЗ РФ. AuthorID: 389138.

Алиев Умар Алиевич — врач-уролог отделения урологии ФГБУ «НМХЦ им. Н.И. Пирогова» МЗ РФ. AuthorID: 410329.


Ханалиев Б.В. — дизайн исследования, общее руководство исследованием, коррекция текста.

Алиев Т.-А.А. — анализ литературных данных, сбор и систематизация данных, обобщение результатов, написание текста.

АлиевУ.А. - разработка методологии исследования, проведение статистической обработки, написание текста.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: проведенное исследование соответствует стандартам Хельсинкской декларации (Declaration Helsinki), соответствие протокола исследования этическим принципам было подтверждено Локальным этическим комитетом МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11, Москва, Россия), протокол No 5-2 от 03.12.2024 г.


B.V. Khanaliev1, T-A.A. Aliev1, U.A. Aliev1


1 Institute for Advanced Medical Education, National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


Background. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most frequent complications after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP). The probability of ED development is strongly increased in the presence of concomitant pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension, as well as in the presence of marked weakness of pelvic floor muscles. The immediate cause of ED after RARP is intraoperative trauma to the neurovascular bundles (NVB) of the prostate gland.

Purpose. To perform a comparative analysis of the efficacy of monotherapy with FDE-5 inhibitors versus combined therapy with prostaglandin E1 drugs after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy.

Conclusion. In the treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients after nerve-sparing RARP, combined administration of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE-5) and alprostadil is more effective than monotherapy with PDE-5 inhibitors.

KEYWORDS: prostate cancer. erectile dysfunction. type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors (IFDE-5)

CORRESPONDENCE: Turpal-Ali A. Aliev, e-mail: turpal.urolog@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Khanaliev B.V., Aliev T-A.A., Aliev U.A. Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Mono and Combination Therapy with Prostaglandin E1 Drugs in the Treatment of Patients with Eretile Dysfunction after Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No 1. — P. 72–74. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-72–74.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Земляной А. Б., Магомедов Ш. С., Ханалиев Б. В. Осложнения робот-асситированной простатэктомии //Вестник Национального медико-хирургического Центра им. НИ Пирогова. — 2020. — Т. 15. — No. 1. — С. 120–125.
  2. Sivarajan G. et al. Ten-year outcomes of sexual function after radical prostatectomy: results of a prospective longitudinal study //European urology. — 2014. — Т. 65. — No. 1. — С. 58–65. Doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2013.08.019.
  3. Burnett A. L. Erectile function outcomes in the current era of anatomic nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy //Reviews in urology. — 2006. — Т. 8. — No. 2. — С. 47–53. Doi: 10.1016/ j.eururo.2003.08.016.
  4. Говоров А. В. и др. Влияние тадалафила на восстановление удержания мочи после нервосберегающей робот-ассистированной радикальной простатэктомии //Медицинский совет. — 2014. — No. 19. — С. 76–79.
  5. Пушкарь Д.Ю., Колонтарев К.Б. Робот-ассистированная радикальная простатэктомия. Функциональный результат. Часть I // Хирургия. Журнал им. Н.И.Пирогова. — 2019. — Т. 3. — No1. — С. 111–120. https://doi.org/10.17116/hirurgia2019031111
  6. Пушкарь Д.Ю., Колонтарев К.Б. Робот-ассистированная радикальная простатэктомия. Функциональный результат. Часть II // Хирургия. Журнал им. Н.И.Пирогова. — 2019. — Т. 4. — С.80 86.
  7. Раднаев Л. Г. Опыт терапии эректильной дисфункции, обусловленной радикальной простатэктомией //Врач-аспирант. — 2011. — Т. 44. — No. 1.2. — С. 328–338.
  8. Denormandie A. C. et al. Is transition from pure laparoscopic to robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy associated with increase of surgical procedures for urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction? //Progres en Urologie: Journal de L'association Francaise D'urologie et de la Societe Francaise D'urologie. — 2018. — Т. 28. — No. 16. — С. 921–926. Doi: 10.1016/j.purol.2018.08.008.


Ханалиев Бениамин Висампашаевич — д.м.н., профессор, заведующий отделением урологии ФГБУ «НМХЦ им. Н.И. Пирогова».

Алиев Турпал-Али Алиевич — врач-ординатор отделения урологии ФГБУ «НМХЦ им. Н.И. Пирогова».

Алиев Умар Алиевич — врач-уролог отделения урологии ФГБУ «НМХЦ им. Н.И. Пирогова».


Ханалиев Б.В. — дизайн исследования, общее руководство исследованием, коррекция текста.

Алиев Т.-А.А. — анализ литературных данных, сбор и систематизация данных, обобщение результатов, написание текста.

АлиевУ.А. —разработка методологии исследования, проведение статистической обработки, написание текста.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответству- ют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редак- ции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.



K.V. Klimenko, K.V. Artamonova, N.T. Grishina


Revitalife Reconstructive Surgery Clinic “Revitalife”, Moscow, Russia


Background. With the development of rhinoplasty at the end of the 20th century, rhinoplasty became one of the most popular surgeries. The number of corrective secondary surgeries of the external nose is steadily increasing every year, despite the fact that septorhinoplasty is a complex functional and aesthetic operation. Early and late complications after septorhinoplasty, according to various sources and studies, make up from 1.9% to 21% of clinical observations [1]. Combined deformations of the external and internal nose, usually accompanied by functional disorders of nasal breathing, are a especially technically challenging task for a surgeon. A complex combined deformation of the external nose is rhinokyphosis with local hypertrophy of the nasal dorsum and ptosis of the nasal tip due to the peculiarities of instability of the cartilaginous supporting function of the columellar segment and the distal part of the nasal septum cartilage. Correction of this combined pathology has technical features and requires further improvement.

Purpose. To adapt and improve the postoperative results in patients with local deformation of the nasal dorsum in combination with ptosis of the nasal tip and instability of the nasolabial angle. To evaluate the aesthetic effectiveness of the stability of the corrective bone-cartilaginous structure of the nasal dorsum and the frequency of possible complications after secondary rhinoplasty, such as postoperative deformations of the nose, local hypertrophy of the nasal dorsum, nasal tip prolapse and nasolabial deviation.

Materials and Methods. For two years, from 2023 to 2024, we were using an adaptive technique for patients with combined pathology presenting with rhinokyphosis and nasal tip ptosis. The distinguishing features of our surgical procedure in patients with the combined pathology of rhinokyphosis and nasal tip ptosis were resection of the nasal hump with an oscillating saw using a thin, metallic, leaf-shaped attachment, and lateral osteotomy, performed with a piezosaw, aimed at mobilizing and narrowing the bony structures of the nose. The study group consisted of 24 patients (23 female and 1 male), all of whom underwent secondary corrective rhinoplasty in 2023-2024. Patients were divided into two groups of 12 each: a control group and a study group. The study group underwent secondary corrective rhinoplasty using an oscillating saw and a piezosaw. The control group underwent secondary corrective rhinoplasty using a chisel; nasal bone mobilization and hump reduction were performed using the “push down” technique. Technically, the correction of rhinokyphosis in combination with a ptotic nasal tip involves the following steps: (1) a complete wedge resection of the nasal septum was performed pre-maxillary; (2) the mucoperichondrium was dissected via intercartilaginous incisions, with complete tangential dissection from the osteochondral structure of the nose. Nasal hump reduction was performed in the following way; an endonasal rasp was inserted through the right or left intercartilaginous incision in such a way that the resected hump fragment of the nasal dorsumwas displaced into the prepared oval opening. After removing the dorsal hump fragment, osteotomy of the right and left sides of the nasal pyramid was performed with a piezotome. It should be noted that the osteotomy was done using the “low-to-low” technique. Next, the nasal dorsum was narrowed along its entire length, and the mobilized nasal bones were set in the midline axis of the nose. The following stepwas wedge-shaped resection of the caudal aspects of the upper lateral cartilages. The size of the cartilage fragments removed was determined by the ability to rotate the nasal tip and close the wedge-shaped defect of the nasal septum; excess cartilage tissue of the upper lateral cartilages was resected. After that, a semi-penetrating incision was made through which septoplasty was performed. That allowed the preservation of the septal cartilage in the ventral and caudal directions. The maneuver allowed the nasal tip to be rotated to the desired height and at a certain aesthetically advantageous angle. At the end of the operation, vasotomy wasperformed, the wedge-shaped wound of the nasal septum was sutured, the nasal cavity was irrigated with chlorhexidine, and hemostasis was controlled. Silicone splints were placed individually into the right and left nasal passages with through- and-through sutures to the nasal septum. A fixation splint was applied to the nasal dorsum. To monitor the stability of the nasal shape, as well as the condition of the skin of the nasal dorsum, it is recommended to replace the splint on days 4-7. The duration of wearing the nasal dorsal splint is 14-15 days.

Results. After rhinoplasty in patients with rhinokyphosis and ptotic tip of the nose, the use of the above technique, which was aimed at preventing postoperative cicatricial deformities, such as nose bridge depression, nasal tip drooping, nasal tip deviations, uneven surface of the nasal bridge, after removing the nasal bridge splint on the 15th day, the majority of patients, 94,7%, were satisfied with the aesthetic and functional result. During the control examination of all operated patients after 6 months of postoperative observation, 98.3% of patients noted complete satisfaction with the aesthetic and functional result of the performed operation.

Conclusion. The results of performed rhinoplasty aimed at correction (rhinokyphosis in combination with ptosis of the tip of the nose) using the above technique were analyzed. More than 96% of operated patients noted a positive aesthetic and functional stable result after 6 months of observation.

KEYWORDS: rhinoplasty, septoplasty, septorhinoplasty, secondary rhinoplasty, deviated septum, ptosis of the nasal tip

CORRESPONDENCE: Konstantin V. Klimenko, e-mail: kklimenko777@yandex.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Klimenko K.V., Artamonova K.V., Grishina N.T. Correction of Secondary Rhinoplasty (Local Deformation and Hypertrophy of the Nose Dorsal Back) in Combination with a Ptotic Nasal Tip // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 75–80. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-75–80.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Пшениснов К. П. Осложнения в эстетической хирургии носа и вторичная ринопластика //Избранные вопросы пластической хирургии. — 2001. — Т. 1. — No. 6. — С. 24.
  2. Gubisch W. Twenty-five years experience with extracorporeal septoplasty //Facial plastic surgery. — 2006. — Т. 22. — No. 04. — С. 230–239.
  3. Pascali M. et al. The auricular cartilage in 197 secondary and tertiary rhinoplasties //Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. — 2016. — Т. 27. — No. 2. — С. 339–344. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1097/SCS.0000000000002380
  4. Menezes A. S. et al. Septal and turbinate surgery: is overnight essential? //European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. — 2018. — Т. 275. — С. 131–138. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00405–017-4813–3
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  6. Yazici Z. M. et al. The effect of tobacco smoking on septoplasty outcomes: a prospective controlled study //Hippokratia. — 2015. — Т. 19. — No. 3. — С. 219–224.
  7. Kreutzer C. et al. Free diced cartilage: a new application of diced cartilage grafts in primary and secondary rhinoplasty //Plastic and reconstructive surgery. — 2017. — Т. 140. — No. 3. — С. 461–470. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1097/PRS.0000000000003622
  8. Miller T. Immediate postoperative complications of septoplasties and rhinoplasties // Trans Pac. Coast Oto-ophtalmol. Soc. — 1976. — V. 57. — P. 201.
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Клименко Константин Владимирович — врач-пластический хирург, ООО «Клиника реконструктивной хирургии Revitalife», Москва, Россия. https://orcid.org/0009–0001-1847–2028, SPIN-код: 8917–9379, Author ID: 1252908.

Артамонова Кристина Викторовна — врач-пластический хирург, ООО «Клиника реконструктивной хирургии Revitalife», Россия, Москва. https://orcid.org/0009–0006-8011–0315.

Гришина Натэла Тенгизовна — врач-пластический хирург, ООО «Клиника реконструктивной хирургии Revitalife», Россия, Москва. https://orcid.org/0009–0007-9892–2538.


Клименко К.В. — генерация идеи исследования, постановка задачи.

Артамонова К.В. — выполнение рутинной работы, подготовка текста статьи.

Гришина Н. Т. — оформление статьи, обработка статистических данных.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответствуют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редакции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.


K.V. Klimenko, K.V. Artamonova, N.T. Grishina


Reconstructive Surgery Clinic “Revitalife”, Moscow, Russia


Background. Aesthetic and functional nasal surgery is becoming more and more popular and in demand every year, due to this, the number of postoperative complications increases, as well as the high demand of patients for the quality of rhino-surgeries. The most important problem of patients who underwent primary septorhinoplasty is complications that develop in the early or late postoperative period, deficiency of bone or cartilage tissue of the nasal dorsum, vector deformation of the nasal tip. For local elimination of tissue volume deficiency of the nasal dorsum (saddle deformation), crushed or fragmented lamellar costal cartilaginous autograft is used, at the discretion of the operating surgeon and the technique they master. Free auricular cartilage autograft is also used to strengthen and stabilize the structure of the dome section of the nasal tip, as well as to stabilize and strengthen the caudal section of the nasal septum. Most of the methods of compensating for the volume deficit of the osteochondral section of the nasal dorsum after primary unsuccessful rhinoplasty or other post-traumatic deformities involve the use of an osteochondral solid-lamellar autograft, which is not always sufficient in length, thickness and height. The most effective and predictable way of correcting the tissue deficit of the nasal dorsum is a pre-prepared intraoperatively crushed osteochondral autograft isolated into a fragment of the superficial temporal fascia with fixation to the nasal dorsum to prevent its deformation and displacement.

Purpose. To analyze the results of the operations performed in the postoperative period and to assess the aesthetic and functional effectiveness, stability of the osteochondral structure of the nasal dorsum, nasal septum, the frequency of possible complications after secondary septorhinoplasty, such as nasal septum perforation, early and late postoperative deformities of the nose, deviation and drooping of the tip of the nose.

Materials and methods. The clinical study involved 18 patients who underwent secondary corrective septorhinoplasty in 2024 with the taking fragments of autologous costchondral graft and fragments of autologous cartilage of the auricle, their modeling, fixation and strengthening aimed at eliminating postoperative saddle back deformity, nasal breathing disfunction, Parrotbird-like nasal tip prolapse and its deviation. The clinical study involved male and female patients, their age ranged from 27 to 38 years old, who had previously undergone primary septorhinoplasty. The main motivating reason for contacting an aesthetic surgeon in all patients was complaints of severe or moderate deformation of the nasal dorsum in the form of its recession, nasal tip prolapse, and nasal breathing disorders.

Results. After the secondary septorhinoplasty using an costchondral autograft, a satisfactory aesthetic and functional result after removing the nasal dorsum splint on the 15th day and removing intranasal splints from the nasal passages on the 4th-5th day, the majority of the patients, 92.7%, were satisfied with the aesthetic and functional result. During the control examination of all operated patients after 3-4 months of postoperative observation, 96.3% of patients noted full satisfaction with the aesthetic and functional result after the operation, even if secondary edema of the nasal dorsum was preserved.

Conclusion. The results of secondary septorhinoplasty using a autologous chondral autograft of the nasal dorsum and nasal septum were assessed. More than 96% of the operated patients noted a positive aesthetic and functional stable result after 5 months of observation after the secondary septorhinoplasty.

KEYWORDS: septoplasty, rhinoplasty, septorhinoplasty, nasal reconstruction, plastic surgery, nasal dorsum deformation

CORRESPONDENCE: Konstantin V. Klimenko, e-mail: kklimenko777@yandex.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Klimenko K.V., Artamonova K.V., Grishina N.T., Correction of Saddle-shaped Deformity of the Nasal Dorsum with an Autologous Costochondral Graft // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuous Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — P. 81–85. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-81–85.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Rhinoplasty: state of the art / [edited by] Ronald P. Gruber, George C. Peck. — 1993 by Mos-by-Year Book, Inc.
  2. Gubisch W. Twenty-five years experience with extracorporeal septoplasty //Facial plastic surgery. — 2006. — Т. 22. — No. 04. — С. 230–239.
  3. Lee M. R., Unger J. G., Rohrich R. J. Management of the nasal dorsum in rhinoplasty: a systematic review of the literature regarding technique, outcomes, and complications //Plastic and reconstructive surgery. — 2011. — Т. 128. — No. 5. — С. 538e-550e.
  4. Sam A. et al. Nasal septal deviation and external nasal deformity: a correlative study of 100 cases //Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. — 2012. — Т. 64. — С. 312–318.
  5. Белоусов А.Е. Очерки пластической хирургии / А.Е.Белоусов // Т.3: Хирурги и пациенты. — М.: Практическая медицина. — 2015. — 136 с.: ил.
  6. Yazici Z. M. et al. The effect of tobacco smoking on septoplasty outcomes: a prospective controlled study //Hippokratia. — 2015. — Т. 19. — No. 3. — С. 219–224.
  7. Persing S. et al. Three-dimensional imaging in rhinoplasty: a comparison of the simulated versus actual result //Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. — 2018. — Т. 42. — С. 1331–1335.
  8. Khan N. et al. Patient satisfaction after rhinoplasty using a rhinoplasty outcome assessment questionnaire //Kurei. — 2019. — Т. 11. — No. 7. — С. e5283.
  9. Daykhes N. O. et al. Vosstanovlenie oporosposobnosti nosovoy peregorodki pri vtorichnoy rinoplastike [Restoration of nasal septum support in secondary rhinoplasty] //Meditsinskiy sovet. — 2015. — Т. 15. — С. 92–96.


Клименко Константин Владимирович — врач-пластический хирург, ООО «Клиника реконструктивной хирургии Revitalife», Москва, Россия. https://orcid.org/0009–0001-1847–2028, SPIN-код: 8917–9379, Author ID: 1252908.

Артамонова Кристина Викторовна — врач-пластический хирург, ООО «Клиника реконструктивной хирургии Revitalife». Россия, Москва, https://orcid.org/0009–0006-8011–0315.

Гришина Натэла Тенгизовна — врач-пластический хирург, ООО «Клиника реконструктивной хирургии Revitalife». https:// orcid.org/0009–0007-9892–2538.


Клименко К.В. — генерация идеи исследования, постановка задачи.

Артамонова К.В. — выполнение рутинной работы, подготовка текста статьи.

Гришина Н.Т. — оформление статьи, обработка статистических данных.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответству- ют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редак- ции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.



Y.Y. Shishkin1, S.Y.Burlakov1, A.Y. Burlakov1, A.S. Kataev2,3, A.S. Suvorov3


1 Ivanovo State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo, Russia
2 Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow, Russia
3 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia


Background. The article examines the application of three-dimensional technologies in the detection of microparticles on objects subject to forensic medical examination.

Purpose. On practical and experimental examples to show the organizational approaches to the use of three-dimensional technologies in the detection and identification of microparticles on forensic objects.

Materials and methods. The material for the study was 1550 forensic medical examinations and studies of the forensic biological department of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise of Ivanovo Regionfor 2019 and 2020.

Results. The problematic issues of digital visualization of objects of research were outlined. The prospects for effective diagnosis of both the individual characteristics of the traumatic object and the establishment of the nature of the environment of the trace object were noted.

Conclusion. The authors presented an analysis of standard digital software tools, graphic editors and original image processing tools.

KEYWORDS: image analysis, forensic medicine, criminalistics, forensic identification, three-dimensional scanner, three-dimensional graphics

CORRESPONDENCE: Alexander S. Kataev, e-mail: kataev03@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Shishkin Y.Y., Burlakov S.Y., Burlakova A.Y., Kataev A.S., Suvorov A.S. Organization of the Use of Three-dimensional Technologies in the Detection of Microparticles at Forensic Facilities // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — P. 86–88. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-86–88.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Мальцев А.Е. Судебно-медицинская оценка микрообъектов при тупой травме // Киров: Изд. «Бумажник». — 2001. — 110 с.
  2. Вандер М. Б. Использование микрочастиц при расследовании преступлений. Серия «Библиотека кримина¬листа» // СПб: Питер, 2001. — 224 с.
  3. Егоров Н. Н. Поиск, обнаружение и предварительное исследование микрообъектов //Хабаровск: Хабаровская высшая школа МВД СССР. — 1989. — 46 с.
  4. Ерофеев С.В., Федорова А.С., Ковалев А.В., Шишкин Ю.Ю., Фетисов В.А. Трехмерное сканирование судебно-медицинских объек- тов: приборное обеспечение и особенности технологии. // Судебно-медицинская экспертиза. — 2018. — Т. 61. — No 6. — С. 39–42.


Шишкин Юрий Юрьевич — д.м.н., заведующий кафедрой судебной медицины и правоведения ФГБОУ ВО ИвГМУ Минздрава России, ORCID iD 0000–0002-1029–9056.

Бурлакова Анна Юрьевна — соискатель кафедры судебной медицины и правоведения ФГБОУ ВО ИвГМУ Минздрава России, ORCID iD 0000–0002-4779–5715.

Бурлаков Сергей Юрьевич — ассистент кафедры судебной медицины и правоведения ФГБОУ ВО ИвГМУ Минздрава России, ORCID iD 0000–0001-9049–6828.

Катаев Александр Станиславович — начальник управления межрегионального взаимодействия и координации меди- цинского обеспечения Федерального центра медицины катастроф ФГБУ «Национальный медико-хирургический Центр им. Н. И. Пирогова» МЗ РФ; к.м.н., доцент кафедры организации здравоохранения, социальной гигиены и организации госсанэпидслужбы с курсом судебно-медицинской экспертизы МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», SPIN-код: 2418– 7177. AuthorID: 814757.

Суворов Александр Сергеевич — старший преподаватель кафедры организации здравоохранения, социальной гигие- ны и организации госсанэпидслужбы с курсом судебно-медицинской экспертизы МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», SPIN-код автора: 9981–6480, AuthorID: 757081.


Шишкин Ю.Ю — концепция и редактирование.

Катаев А. С. — концепция и редактирование, написание текста.

Бурлакова А.Ю. — сбор и обработка материала, написание текста.

Бурлаков С.Ю. — сбор и обработка материала, написание текста.

Суворов А.С. — сбор и обработка материала.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответствуют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редакции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.


A.S. Kataev1,2, A.V. Belavin3, Y.Y. Shishkin4, A.S. Suvorov3


1 Medical Institute of Continuinh Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia
2 Institute of Advanced Medical Training, National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
3 International Law Institute, Moscow, Russia
4 Ivanovo State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Ivanovo, Russia


The article presents information on the directions of information security in forensic medical examinations within the framework of using the capabilities of modern electronic technologies. The directions of organization of procedures for ensuring the activities of the use of artificial intelligence in forensic medicine at the present stage (first quarter of 2025) are proposed. The order of adoption and use of normative regulation of the process of using artificial intelligence in forensic medical examination is defined, as well as the consequences of violations of the regulations of all types of expert work.

KEYWORDS: forensic medical examination, information security, artificial intelligence, analyst laboratory technologist of artificial intelligence 2.0

CORRESPONDENCE: Alexander S. Kataev, e-mail: kataev03@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Kataev A.S., Belavin A.V., Shishkin Yu.Y., Suvorov A.S. Safety of Using Aartificial Intelligence in Forensic Medicine at the Current Stage of Technology Development // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 89–92. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-89–92.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Постановление Правительства РФ от 09.02.2022 N 140 (ред. от 04.03.2024) «О единой государственной информационной системе в сфере здравоохранения».
  2. Приказ Минздрава России от 25.09.2023 N 491н «Об утверждении Порядка проведения судебно-медицинской экспертизы».
  3. «Единый план по достижению национальных целей развития Российской Федерации до 2030 года и на перспективу до 2036 года» (утв. Правительством РФ).
  4. Постановление Правительства РФ от 17.08.2007 N 522 (ред. от 17.11.2011) «Об утверждении Правил определения степени тяжести вреда, причиненного здоровью человека».
  5. Федеральный закон от 27.07.2006 N 152-ФЗ (ред. от 08.08.2024) «О персональных данных».


Катаев Александр Станиславович — к.м.н., доцент кафедры организации здравоохранения, социальной гигиены и организации госсанэпидслужбы с курсом судебно-медицинской экспертизы МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», доцент кафедры организации медицинской помощи в чрезвычайных ситуациях ИУВ ФГБУ «Национальный медико-хирургический Центр им. Н. И. Пирогова» МЗ РФ, г. Москва, Россия. SPIN-код: 2418–7177. AuthorID: 814757.

Белавин Андрей Вениаминович — к.юрид.н., профессор кафедры уголовно-правовых дисциплин Международного юридического института, г. Москва, Россия. SPIN-код: 4617–4910, AuthorID: 271861, ORCID-0000–0001-8417–2704.

Шишкин Юрий Юрьевич — д.м.н., заведующий кафедрой судебной медицины и правоведения ФГБОУ ВО ИвГМУ Минздрава России, Москва, Россия. ORCID iD 0000–0002-1029–9056.

Суворов Александр Сергеевич — старший преподаватель кафедры организации здравоохранения, социальной гигиены и организации госсанэпидслужбы с курсом судебно-медицинской экспертизы МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», г. Москва, Россия. SPIN-код: 9981–6480, AuthorID: 757081.


Катаев А. С. — концепция и редактирование.

Белавин А.В. — концепция и редактирование, написание текста.

Шишкин Ю.Ю. — концепция и редактирование, сбор и обработка материала, написание текста.

Суворов А.С. — сбор и обработка материала.



N.V. Gorbunova1, I.I. Morozov1,2, A.G. Abdullaev2


1 Main Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia
2 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia


Background. Chronic suppurative otitis media with mucositisis manifested by chronic catarrhal inflammation, combining hyperplastic processes in the intrinsic lamina of the mucous membrane (MM) with hypersecretion of the cover epithelium.

Main Contents. Mucositis of three degrees is distinguished: At the first degree in the tympanic cavity (TC), pink swelling is determined with a small amount of mucus, the functions of the Eustachian tube (ET) are impaired slightly; during the pathomorphological examination the replacement of ciliated cells with hypertrophied abundantly secretly gorgeous cells, insignificant lymphoid-plasmocytic infiltration are noted; computer tomogram (CT) shows impaired pneumatization of the middle ear cavities, which almost completely disappears during the period of remission, there are no destructive changes in the auditory bones and the walls of the TC.

WAt the second degree with hyperplated MM separated more dense, the functions of the Eustachian tube are moderately impaired; in pathomorphological examination, infiltration with leukocytes is more pronounced, with the formation of focal lymphoid clusters, the presence of proliferating vessels, the accumulation of mononuclear cells with a gradual increase in sclerosis; CT notes a violation of the pneumatization of the middle ear cavities, and destructive changes in the auditory bones may join, often in combination with their dislocation.

At the thirddegree, a pale “pillow-like” MM is noted, its partial fusion with the edges of the perforation or the inner surface of the tympanum membrane can be observed, in the tympanic cavity there is viscous, thick mucous discharge; in pathomorphological examination, infiltration with leukocytes is expressed to the maximum extent with the increase in histiocytic infiltration and the development of fibrosing; in CT, impaired pneumatisation of middle ear cavities not only during exacerbation, but also during remission, often accompanied by polyposis formation, destructive changes of the elements of the auditory ossicle chain and the walls of the tympanic cavity.

Surgical tactics: at the first degree of chronic suppurative otitis media, thympanoplasty of type I is performed, which from a technical point of view does not differ from sedimentation with a “dry” ear using autotransplants; with CSOM of II and III degree, thympanoplasty is combined with the method of drainage of the middle ear, which is stopped only after improving the function of ET and the restoration of TC aeration; with CSOM of II degree, it is recommended to additionally make notches in the area of the altered MM; at the degree III separate attico- anthromastoidotomy with tympanoplasty and drainage through antrum is indicated. in addition, excision of the altered areas of the MM of the TC is performed due to proven irreversible morphological changes.

Conclusion. Treatment of patients with chronic suppurative otitis media with mucositis is an extremely difficult task for an otorhinolaryngologist. Currently, most surgeons are of opinion on the effectiveness and need for prolonged ventilation of the tympanic cavity in the postoperative period, while the development of new methods and operations techniques has not lost its relevance.

KEYWORDS: mucositis, chronic otitis media, chronic suppurative otitis media, tympanoplasty

CORRESPONDENCE: Natalia V. Gorbunova, e-mail natalvyach@mail.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Gorbunova N.V., Morozov I.I., Abdullaev A.G. Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media with Mucositis // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 93–98. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025–5-1-93–98.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Горбунова Наталия Вячеславовна — врач оториноларингологического отделения ФКУЗ ГКГ МВД России, Москва, Россия. https://orcid.org/0000–0002-8947–3220, SPIN-код: 1294–0910, AuthorID: 1199574.

Морозов Иван Ильич — к.м.н., доцент, начальник оториноларингологического отделения ФКУЗ ГКГ МВД России, кафедра оториноларингологии МИНО ФГБУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», Москва, Россия. http://orcid.org/0000–0002-7178–2594, SPIN-код: 9170–4453, AuthorID: 927541.

Абдуллаев Абсалудин Гафарович — ординатор кафедры оториноларингологии МИНО ФГБУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ», Москва, Россия. http://orcid.org/0009–0008-2188–0584.


Горбунова Н.В., Морозов И.И. — концепция и дизайн исследования.

Горбунова Н.В., Абдуллаев А.Г. — сбор и обработка материала, статистическая обработка данных.

Морозов И.И., Горбунова Н.В., Абдуллаев А.Г. — написание текста.

Морозов И.И. — редактирование.



E.G. Perevalova1, I.A. Lamotkin2,3


1 Clinic of Dermatology and Cosmetology “MDElena”, Moscow, Russia
2 Main Military Clinical Hospital named after N.I. Burdenko of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Moscow, Russia
3 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia


Background. Rosacea has recently acquired a torpid and atypical course. The treatment of patients with granulomatous subtype of rosacea has become not uncommon. The use of standard recommendations for antibiotic therapy, antiprotozoal, antimicrobial drugs, desensitizing therapy, systemic and topical isotretinoin does not give complete correction and stable results, which requires the study of other treatment methods. A method was developed and patented (Patent for Invention No. 2810402) for the pategenetic treatment of granulomatous subtype of rosacea. For 6 years (2018-2023), 200 patients with rosacea were under the supervision. The injection of 1% hyaluronic acid into the active zones and the application of 14% ferulic acid were effective.

Purpose. To develop a treatment based on the 7 links of rosacea pathogenesis in the granulomatous subtype by injecting 1% hyaluronic acid into the active zones.

Materials and methods. A sample of42 patients was taken to study and analyse the effect of hyaluronic acid on all links of pathogenesis in granulomatous subtype rosacea. The results of therapy were observed from 2018 to 2023 inclusive; 14 patients were male and 29 were female. The age of the patients ranged from 20 to 60 years.

Results. The effect of 1% injectable hyaluronic acid on the course of rosacea was analyzed. We assessed the dynamics, the interval and the number of necessary procedures. The expected reactions after the treatment protocol were determined according to the Patent for Invention No. 2810402. A highly effective method of treating granulomatous subtype of rosacea was identified, taking into account the 7 links of pathogenesis with a long-term stable result, in which after the 4th procedure in 84% of cases positive dynamics were observed. 12 months later the result was enhanced and consolidated, which is confirmed by the clinical picture of the observed patients.

Conclusion. After 6 procedures of pathogenetic treatment of granulomatous subtype of rosacea in 97.6% of cases the stagnation of the inflammatory process and cessation of clinical signs of the disease were observed.

KEYWORDS: granulomatous rosacea, hyaluronic acid, pathogenetic treatment method

CORRESPONDENCE: Elena G. Perevalova, e-mail: mdelena@bk.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Perevalova E.G., Lamotkin I.A. Pathogenetic Method of Treatment of Granulomatous Rosacea // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — P. 99–103. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-99–103.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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  9. van de Scheur M. R., van der Waal R. I. F., Starink T. M. Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei: a distinctive rosacea-like syndrome and not a granulomatous form of rosacea //Dermatology. — 2003. — Т. 206. — No. 2. — С. 120–123.
  10. Ахмедзянова, Г.Н. Закирова, О.Р. Трофимова. Розацеа //Медицинский вестник Башкортостана. — 2017. — Т. 12. — No 5(71). — с. 137.
  11. Adams A. K. et al. The Diagnosis: Granulomatous Rosacea (Lupus Miliaris Disseminatus Faciei, Acne Agminata) //Cutis (NY). — 2008. — Т. 82. — No. 2.
  12. Ehmann L. M., Meller S., Homey B. Successful treatment of granulomatous rosacea with dapsone //Der Hautarzt. — 2013. — Т. 64. — С. 226–228.
  13. Chougule A. et al. Granulomatous rosacea versus lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei—2 faces of facial granulomatous disorder: a clinicohistological and molecular study //The American Journal of Dermatopathology. — 2018. — Т. 40. — No. 11. — С. 819–823. doi: 10.1097/DAD.0000000000001243
  14. Rallis E., Korfitis C. Isotretinoin for the treatment of granulomatous rosacea: case report and review of the literature //Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery. — 2012. — Т. 16. — No. 6. — С. 438–441.
  15. Aronovich A, Taieb Y, Segal R, Hodak E. Granulomatous Rosacea // A Systematic Review of Clinical Presentations and Treatments. J Clin Exp Dermatol Res. –2023. — Т. 14. — С. 642.


Перевалова Елена Геннадьевна — к.м.н., руководитель клиники дерматологии и косметологии MDElena, SPIN-код: 1445–5020.

Ламоткин Игорь Анатольевич — д.м.н., заведующий кожно-венерологическим отделением ФГБУ «ГВКГ им. Н.Н.Бурденко» Минобороны России, профессор кафедры кожных и венерических болезней с курсом косметологии МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «Российский биотехнологический университет (РОСБИОТЕХ) , SPIN-код: 7153–3703, https://orcid.org/0000– 0001-7707–441X.


Перевалова Е.Г. — генерация идеи исследования, выполнение рутинной работы, подготовка текста статьи, обработка статистических данных.

Ламоткин И.А. — оформление статьи, одобрение окончательной версии.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: проведенное исследование соответствует стандартам Хельсинкской декла- рации (Declaration Helsinki) в редакции 2024 г, соответствие протокола исследования этическим принципам было подтверждено Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11, Москва, Россия), протокол No 6/1 от 21 января 2025 г.


E.G. Perevalova1, I.A. Lamotkin2,3


1 Clinic of Dermatology and Cosmetology “MDElena”, Moscow, Russia
2 Main Military Clinical Hospital named after N.I. Burdenko of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Moscow, Russia
3 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia


Background. A female patient M., 31 years old, complained of unbearable itching, pain, redness, facial oedema, crusts on the face, lack of appetite. On examination: diffuse erythema, pronounced pastyness of the soft tissues of the face, multiple excoriations, tense, hot face from pronounced oedema and diffuse inflammatory process, xerosis, hyperkeratosis, a sharply positive leaf symptom, a sharply positive palpation test. The therapy was performed in accordance with the Patent for Invention No. 2811254. 1% hyaluronic acid was injected into the active projections, followed by the application of 15% azelaic acid to the activation zones. No recurrence and progression of skin angioedema was noted during 12 months of patient follow-up.

The presented clinical case of erythemato-telangiectatic subtype of rosacea is unique and rare, shows the virtuosity of rosacea, as it can easily disguise itself as immediate and delayed-type hypersensitivity, resulting in erroneous patient management tactics with subsequent complication of the inflammatory process.

Purpose. To review a complex clinical case complicated by previous treatment, and to choose an effective alternative therapy for the erythemato-telangiectatic subtype at the pathogenetic level.

Materials and methods. For review and analysis, we studied a 31-year-old patient with a long medical history, misdiagnosed initially, complicated by treatment. The patient provided all the data on taking medications and the course of treatment before contacting the clinic. Injection therapy was performed according to the Patent for Invention No. 2811254. Biologically active points were treated with 1% hyaluronic acid, followed by the application of 15% azelaic acid.

Results. The clinical result obtained after each procedure, 6, 12 and 48 months, was evaluated. The inflammatory process stagnated after 6 therapy procedures, and after 12 months the patient's skin condition was stable and there was no recurrence.

Conclusion. After 6 procedures of injectable therapy with 1% hyaluronic acid and therapy with 15% azelaic acid, the clinical signs of skin inflammation in a patient with angioedema were resolved.

KEYWORDS: erythemato-telangiectatic rosacea, immediatehypersensitivity, hyaluronic acid, pathogenetic treatment method

CORRESPONDENCE: Elena G. Perevalova, e-mail: mdelena@bk.ru

FOR CITATIONS: Perevalova E.G., Lamotkin I.A. Pathogenetictherapy of a Patient with Erythemato-telangiectatic Rosacea // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — P. 104–108. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-104-108.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


  1. Тюрин Ю. А., Мустафин И. Г., Фассахов Р. С. Природная устойчивость бактерий к факторам врожденной иммунной системы, обусловленная бактериальными протеазами //Практическая медицина. — 2010. — No. 40. — С. 7–13.
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Перевалова Елена Геннадьевна — к.м.н., создатель клиники дерматологии и косметологии MDElena, SPIN-код: 1445–5020.

Ламоткин Игорь Анатольевич — д.м.н., заведующий кожно-венерологическим отделением ФГБУ «ГВКГ им. Н.Н.Бурденко» Минобороны России, профессор кафедры кожных и венерических болезней с курсом косметологии Медицинского института непрерывного образования «РОСБИОТЕХ», SPIN-код: 7153–3703, https://orcid.org/0000–0001– 7707–441X.


Перевалова Е.Г. — генерация идеи исследования, выполнение рутинной работы, подготовка текста статьи, обработка статистических данных.

Ламоткин И.А. — оформление статьи, одобрение окончательной версии.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: проведенное исследование соответствует стандартам Хельсинкской деклара- ции (Declaration Helsinki), соответствие протокола исследования этическим принципам было подтверждено Локаль- ным этическим комитетом МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11, Москва, Россия), протокол No 6/1 от 21 января 2025 г.


I.A.Volchek1,2, S.A. Masyukova1, A.S. Teryaev2, O.V. Gladko1, I.V. Ilyina1, D.Z. Tlostanova1


1 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia
2 Research Center for Immunology and Allergology, Moscow, Russia


Background. Rosacea is a common skin disease, affecting up to 3% of the general population, the mechanisms of which are unclear. The etiopathogenetic factors of rosacea include microscopic mites of the genus Demodex and the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-17. The inhibitory effect of Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook F plant extracts on proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-17, is also known. However, a comprehensive study of the relationship between these factors in rosacea has not been conducted yet.

Purpose. To study changes in the level of interleukin-17 synthesis by mononuclear cells of healthy donors and rosacea patients in vitro in response to Demodex antigens and the modulating effect of Tripterygium Wilfordii extract.

Materials and methods. The effect of Tripterygium Wilfordii extract on the level of spontaneous and Demodex antigen-stimulated interleukin-17 synthesis was determined in a cell culture of healthy donors and patients with different forms of rosacea.

Results. A high level of spontaneous IL-17 synthesis by mononuclear cells of rosacea patients, a pronounced response to the Demodex antigen both in patients and healthy donors, as well as an unconditional inhibitory effect of Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook F extract were revealed.

Conclusion. Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook F extract inhibits interleukin-17 synthesis by mononuclear cells of rosacea patients and healthy donors against the Demodex antigen.

KEYWORDS: rosacea, Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook F extract, interleukin-17

CORRESPONDENCE: Igor A. Volchek, e-mail: igor.volchek@gmail.com

FOR CITATIONS: Volchek I.A., Masyukova S.A., Teryaev A.S., Gladko O.V., Ilyina I.V., Tlostanova D.Z. Study of the Effect of Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook F Extract on the Level of Interleukin-17 Synthesis in the Culture of Mononuclear Cells of Rosacea Patients // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 109–114. — DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-109–114.

FUNDING SOURCE: Research Center for Immunology and Allergology, targeted funding.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Волчек Игорь Анатольевич — д.м.н., профессор кафедры кожных и венерических болезней с курсом косметологии Медицинского института непрерывного образования ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ»; главный научный сотрудник ООО «Научно-исследовательский центр иммунологии и аллергологии». ORCID 0009–0000-1451–6145, SPIN-код: 6743–2105, AuthorID: 740245.

Масюкова Светлана Андреевна — д.м.н., профессор, профессор кафедры кожных и венерических болезней с курсом косметологии Медицинского института непрерывного образования ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ». ORCID: 0000–0001- 9573–9024, SPIN-код: 6252–2570, AuthorID: 738097.

Теряев Андрей Сергеевич — генеральный директор ООО «Научно-исследовательский центр иммунологии и аллергологии. ORCID 0009–0005-8393–2093, SPIN-код: 6743–2105, AuthorID: 740245.

Гладько Олег Викторович — к.м.н., доцент, доцент кафедры кожных и венерических болезней с курсом косметологии Медицинского института непрерывного образования ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ». ORCID 0009–0001-1798–7919.

Ильина Инна Валентиновна — к.м.н., доцент, доцент кафедры кожных и венерических болезней с курсом космето- логии Медицинского института непрерывного образования ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ». ORCID: 0000–0003-2548– 0891, ResearcherID: H-1707–2018, SPIN-код: 9826–8931, AuthorID: 639603.

Тлостанова Дана Залимовна — аспирант кафедры кожных и венерических болезней с курсом косметологии Медицинского института непрерывного образования ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ». ORCID: 0009–0003-4031–4709.


Волчек И. А. — обзор публикаций по теме статьи; написание текста рукописи, обзор и редактирование.

Масюкова С. А. — обзор клинических публикаций по теме статьи; написание текста рукописи, обзор и редактирование.

Теряев А. С. — работа с базами данных, сбор теоретического материала по вопросам химии и молекулярной биологии.

Гладько О. В. — обзор публикаций по теме статьи; написание текста рукописи, обзор и редактирование.

Ильина И. В. — работа с клиническими данными по теме статьи; написание текста рукописи, обзор и редактирование.

Тлостанова Д. З. — подготовка клинического материала, проведение лабораторных исследований, статистическая обработка результатов.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответствуют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редакции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоко- ламское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.


A. A. Dzitsoeva1, V. T. Bazaev1


1 North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Vladikavkaz, Russia


Purpose. To gain an understanding of the efficacy and safety of Netakimab (interleukin-17A inhibitor) in the treatment of moderate and severe psoriatic skin lesions based on literature review.

Materials and methods. Modern Russian and international literature sources on this topic were collected and analysed. Data searches were performed in specialised resources: mrj.ima-press.net, PubMed, Scopus, CochraneLibrary and others. The review focused on the analysis of randomised controlled trials that investigated the efficacy and safety of Netakimab (interleukin-17A inhibitor).

Results and discussion. Netakimab has shown a high therapeutic potential is on par with, and in some cases superior to, the efficacy of other biological drugs. A significant proportion of patients achieved PASI 75 and higher by the 12th week of therapy. I Regarding safety, Netakimab demonstrated a profile similar to other IL-17A inhibitors, with no new significant risks identified.

Conclusion. Netakimab is a promising first-line biologic therapy option for patients with moderate to severe psoriatic skin lesions. Long-term studies are needed to assess the long-term efficacy and safety of the drug.

KEYWORDS: psoriasis, Netakimab, interleukin-17A inhibitors, genetically engineered biological therapy

CORRESPONDENCE: Arina A. Dzitstsoeva, e-mail: dzitlv@bk.ru.

FOR CITATIONS: Dzitsoeva A.A., Bazaev V. T. Safety and Efficacy of Interleukin-17a Inhibitor (Netakimab) Therapy for Moderate to Severe Psoriasis // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 115–119. — DOI 10.36107/2782- 1714_2025-5-1-115–119.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Базаев Виталий Тадиозович — д.м.н., доцент, заведующий кафедрой дерматовенерологии, Северо-Осетинская государственная медицинская академия. ORCID: 0000–0003-0353–3147. SPIN-код: 9059–9500, eLIBRARY AuthorID: 649524.

Дзиццоева Арина Аркадьевна — аспирант кафедры дерматовенерологии, Северо-Осетинская государственная медицинская академия. ORCID: 0009–0002-0438–3825.


Базаев В.Т. — обзор и редактирование, проверка критически важного содержания.

Дзиццоева А.А. — обзор публикаций по теме статьи; написание текста рукописи, обзор и редактирование.

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: проведенное исследование соответствует стандартам Хельсинкской декларации (Declaration Helsinki), соответствие протокола исследования этическим принципам было подтверждено Локальным этическим комитетом МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11, Москва, Россия), протокол No 5-2 от 03.12.2024 г.


E.I. Gubanova1,2, Iu.Iu. Chebotareva1,3, G.Sh. Zakirova2


1 Medical Institute of Continuing Education, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH) Moscow, Russia
2 Clinic of Preventive Medicine “Vallex Med”, Moscow, Russia
3 Clinic “EsteLab”, Moscow, Russia


Background. The search for effective and safe protocols for anti-aging correction of the lower face and neck using injection and high-tech hardware methods is a current trend in aesthetic medicine.

Purpose. To evaluate the effectiveness of protocols of the main anti-aging protocols of the lower face and neck in women, considering satisfaction with the result, age and morphotype of aging.

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of outpatient records and a survey of 504 patients aged 35-64 years (mean age 49.9±8.43), of cosmetology, who underwent complex anti-aging therapy using the following basic methods: first microsfocused ultrasound with visualization (Ulthera System, MFU-V), then injections of neuroproteins and fillers HA, collagen stimulators for tightening the lower face and neck, wrinkles and folds correction. The effectiveness was assessed in two age groups of 35–49 and 50–64 years, in women of deformed and tired morphotypes, with an analysis of protocols (zones, doses, volumes) in real clinical practice. The effectiveness of MFU-V and botulinum toxine A (BTA) was assessed using the GAIS (Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale) and the Likert scale for satisfaction with the results of complex treatment.

Results. An analysis of the complex treatment with MFU-V, neuroproteins and fillers showed high satisfaction in 97% of patients with the results of correction of the lower face and neck. The effectiveness of MFU-V and BTA was highly rated by patients after both procedures (GAIS 2.68±0.45 and 2.84±0.32 points), with the exception of patients with a deformed morphotype aged 50 years and older. A higher percentage of satisfaction with complex therapy was noted in women aged 35–49 with a tired morphotype. In patients aged 50-64 years with a deformed morphotype, specialists more often used protocols for the extended use of injections with neuroproteins (face and neck) and MFU-V (504–800 lines). No serious adverse events have been reported.

Conclusions. The high effectiveness of complex treatment with MFU-V, neuroproteins and fillers in women with deformed and tired morphotype, mostly aged 35–49 years, has been proven. Marked aesthetic improvement was noted after ultrasound lifting and botulinum therapy, regardless of the morphotype, satisfaction with the final result of correction was noted in 97%.

KEYWORDS: skin aging, skin aging index, facial and neck aging, morphotypes of aging, deformational morphotype of aging, lower face, microfocused ultrasound, MFU-V, Ultherapy, hyaluronic acid fillers, hydroxyapatite сalcium, collagenstimulators, botulinum toxin, incobotulinumtoxin A

CORRESPONDENCE: Elena I. Gubanova; e-mail: elena_gubanova@mail.ru.

FOR CITATIONS: Gubanova E.I., Chebotareva Iu.Iu., Zakirova G.Sh. Retrospective Analysis of Cosmetic Correction of Female Ageing in the Lower Third of the Face and Neck // Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education. — 2025. — V. 5, No. 1. — S. 120–126. – DOI 10.36107/2782-1714_2025-5-1-120–126.

FUNDING SOURCE: The authors declare no funding for the study.

DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST: The authors declare no apparent or potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article.

DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data from the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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Губанова Елена Ивановна — д-р мед. наук, профессор кафедры кожных и венерических болезней с курсом косметологии Медицинского института непрерывного образования МИНО ФГБОУ ВО «Российский биотехнологический университет»; Клиника превентивной медицины «Валлекс Мед», Москва, Россия; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0441-9752.

Чеботарева Юлия Юрьевна — ассистент кафедры дерматовенерологии и косметологии РМАНПО Минздрава России, врач-дерматовенеролог, косметолог, главный врач клиники «ЭстеЛаб», Москва, Россия; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2820-3729

Закирова Гульнара Шокировна — к.м.н., врач-дерматовенеролог, косметолог, Клиника превентивной медицины «Валлекс Мед», Москва, Россия; http://orcid.org/orcid.org/0000-0001-5221-1027.


Губанова Е.И., Чеботарева Ю.Ю. — концепция и дизайн исследования

Губанова Е.И., Чеботарева Ю.Ю., Закирова Г.Ш. — сбор и обработка материала

Губанова Е.И. — статистическая обработка: независимый статист, редактирование

Губанова Е.И., Чеботарева Ю.Ю., Закирова Г.Ш. — написание текста

INFORMED CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION: authors received written consent from patients for publication of medical data and photographs.

COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: авторы заявляют, что все процедуры, описанные в данной статье, соответствуют этическим стандартам учреждений, проводивших исследование, и соответствуют Хельсинкской декларации в редакции 2024 г. Статья одобрена Локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО «РОСБИОТЕХ» (Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, дом 11) протокол No 8/3 от 25 марта 2025.