№ 1 (2023)



Dear friends, dear colleagues!

The Medical Institute of Continuing Education (MINO) is a structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State University of Food Production».

MINO's mission is to create conditions and mechanisms for effective training of medical and pharmaceutical specialists, providing them with high competitiveness and making it possible to integrate into the socio-economic space of the country. The clinical and scientific bases of the departments of the institute are specialized divisions of hospitals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, hospitals, sanatoriums and other medical and preventive institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Russian Guard, as well as specialized departments of research institutes and large medical institutions of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, in which on the basis of scientific and practical cooperation, practical work of students and research activities are carried out on the most pressing and socially significant health problems.

Dear readers! I am proud to present to your attention the first issue of the journal «Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education».

The journal «Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education» is a platform where original research papers, reviews, practical recommendations, unique and didactic clinical cases and short messages on the problems of medicine and health care and relevant both in Russia and abroad can be published. The medical community, medical scientists and medical practitioners are interested in a printed organ that would combine the advanced medical thought and modern innovative developments in the medical field. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature, and we hope that it will be of interest to doctors of various specialties.

The priority for the journal is materials with a high level of scientific evidence, designed in accordance with international ethical requirements and capable of arousing the interest of Russian and foreign authors and readers.

Best regards, Editor-in-Chief, MD, PhD, Prof. V.V. Gladko



G.L. Belyakova


Medical Institute of Continuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production


Acne is the most common skin disease; it occurs in 60–95% of adolescents and young people. The pathological process in acne involves sebaceous glands, keratinocytes, hair follicles, as well as endocrine organs – the adrenal glands and ovaries. Acne therapy should be aimed at the main etiopathogenetic factors, namely, hypersecretion of sebum caused by increased androgenic activity; activation of innate immunity by lipids of sebum and Cutibacterium acnes. Modern drugs for systemic and external therapy have anti-comedogenic, keratolytic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-androgenic effects. Eucerin Dermopure cosmetics are used both to reduce the side effects of drug therapy and to treat mild to moderate acne. The drugs are safe to use and can be used as monotherapy and in combination with other external drugs.

Key words: acne, treatment, topical drugs, licochalcon A, 1,2-decanediol, L-carnitine

For citation: Belyakova G.L. General approaches and choice of therapy for acne of various degree of severity. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 9–13.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_9_13


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T.V. Sokolova1, V.V. Gladko1, M.S. Davidenko2


1 Medical Institute of Continuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production
2 Clinic "Semeynaya", Moscow


Concomitant pathology in atopic dermatitis (AtD) aggravates its course. The need of her treatment is one of the reasons of polypharmacy.

Objective – to study the frequency of concomitant pathology in AtD of children and to determine the range of drugs (D) for the treatment of the underlying and concomitant diseases.

Material and methods. Retrospective analysis of outpatient cards: children (7–11 years old, 72), adolescents of the early (12–14 years old, 81) and late (15–17 years old, 98) periods.

The author's version of the individual registration card was used. Statistical processing of the material was carried out using Pearson's test (X2) and Spearman Rank Correlation (Sr).

Results. In outpatient practice of children with AtD till 2 years, pathology of 2.38 ± 0.82 body systems was recorded. An exacer- bation of one or another concomitant disease was observed of 41% of patients, including 27.3% 2-3 times. However, the records of consultations of related specialists were only in 57% of cases. The average number of systemic drugs prescribed to the patient was 17.2 ± 6.3 (9.6 ± 3.5), with the maximum proportion (74.3%) and number (7.3 ± 1.8) for the treatment of comorbidities.

Conclusions. The comorbidity of pathology of patients with AtD is a significant factor that should be taken into account when choosing a rational treatment strategy. To exclude polypharmacy, strict accounting of appointments made by both a dermatologist and related specialists is required.

Key words: atopic dermatitis, children, comorbidity, polypharmacy

For citation: Sokolova T.V., Gladko V.V., Davidenko M.S. Сomorbidity of pathology in atopic dermatitis as a factor of polypragmasia formation. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 14–19.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_14_19


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B.R. Gvasaliya, A.G. Kochetov, K.P. Melnik, A.V. Kasaikin, V.V. Khvorov


Medical Institute of Continuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production


Penile prosthesis implantation is a surgical procedure that is the method of choice for organic erectile dysfunction.
However, as with any other surgical intervention, there is a risk of complications that are quite specific for this type of surgery. Knowledge of their specificity and correct surgical tactics allows in the overwhelming majority of cases to cope with the situation without serious consequences.
In this article, based on many years of our experience, we analyzed the main intraoperative complications and presented the best ways to resolve them.

Key words: penile prosthesis, corpora cavernosa, cylinders

For citation: Gvasaliya B.R., Kochetov A.G., Melnik K.P. et al. Surgical recommendations for intraoperative complications of falloprosthetics. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 20–22.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_20_22


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P.S. Kozlova1, K.M. Nyushko2, B.Ya. Alekseev2


1 Pirogov Russian National Medical University
2 National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


Bladder cancer is an urgent problem of modern urological oncology due to the persisting high rates of morbidity and mortality from this pathology. Radical cystectomy is the gold standard of treatment in patients with muscle-invasive forms of the disease. However, diverting urine after this surgery remains challenging. The techniques of orthotopic bladder plasty after radical cystectomy allow restoring the act of urination in this contingent of patients, however, such operations may be associated with the risk of urinary incontinence, neocyst-urethroanastomosis strictures, urinary obstruction and ascending urinary infection. The article presents an analysis of the results of modified orthotopic ileocystoplasty using an innovative developed technique for the formation of a zone of neocyst-urethroanastomosis, evaluates the results of using this technique in clinical practice, and also compares the new technique with the standard surgical technique.

Key words: radical cystectomy, orthotopic bladder plasty, neocyst-urethroanastomosis

For citation: Kozlova P.S., Nyushko K.M., Alekseev B.Ya. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the modified technique of orthotopic bladder plasty in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer after radical cystectomy. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 23–27.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_23_27


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M.I. Varfolomeeva1,2, I.Ts. Kulagina1,2, A.A. Zaicev1,2


1 Medical Institute of Continuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production
2 N.N. Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital


When a person is infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the immune system plays a leading role. This article analyzes up-to-date information on the influence of the immune system on the features of the course of a new coronavirus infection in humans and the possibilities for the development of autoimmune reactions. We analyzed the role and dynamic change of the humoral immune system during SARS-CoV-2 infection causes a humoral immune response: the timing of the appearance and dynamics of changes in the level of specific serum immunoglobulins.

Key words: SARS-CoV-2 virus, new coronavirus infection, immune system, immunoglobulins, cytokine storm

For citation: Varfolomeeva M.I., Kulagina I.Ts., Zaicev A.A. The role of immune system in the new coronavirus disease SARS-CоV-2. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 28–31.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_28_31


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N.S. Grachev1,2, A.E. Samarin1, I.N. Vorozhtsov1, A.V. Lezhinskaya1, A.I. Gorozhanina1, I.V. Zyabkin1, I.I. Morozov2


1 Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology
2 Medical Institute of Continuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production


Congenital transethmoidal meningoencephalocele is a rare neural tube malformation with a frequency of 1 in 35,000 live births. Despite the asymptomatic course, the presence of a skull base defect requires surgical treatment by traumatic transcranial access. The search and development of minimally invasive methods of treating this pathology is an urgent problem of head and neck surgery in children. The article presents a clinical case of successful surgical treatment transethmoidal meningoencephalocele in an 8-year-old child using combined endoscopic transnasal and transbasal approach. This clinical case demonstrates the possibilities of minimally invasive endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery and multidisciplinary approach of transethmoidal meningoencephalocele treatment.

Key words: transethmoidal meningoencephalocele, basal cranial hernia, combined approach, skull base surgery

For citation: Grachev N.S., Samarin A.E., Vorozhtsov I.N. et al. Combined endoscopic transnasal and transcranial access in surgery of transetmoidal meningoencephalocele. Clinical case. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 32–35.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_32_35


  1. Асадов Р.Н., Притыко А.Г., Петраки В.Л. и др. Методические рекомендации «Современное лечение детей с врожденными передними черепно-мозговыми грыжами». 2019 г.
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O.V. Sharapova1,2, D.I. Kicha3, O.V. Rukodaynyy3, L.I. Gerasimova1,4, N.M. Zakharchenko5, D.F. Моrоgа6, R.V. Fomina7


1 V.V. Vinogradov City Clinical Hospital, Moscow
2 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
3 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
4 Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production
5 Center for Rehabilitation of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation 'Taraskul', Tyumen
6 Medical Center for the Treatment of Spine and Joints'DEMA', Moscow Region
7 I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary


The quality of health care (QHC) is not usually considered in terms of the quality of prevention and dispensary work. However, the contribution of dispensary and prevention activities to optimizing health can be considered as a more effective measure of public health.

The aim of the study was to develop objective indicators capable of adequately assessing the quality of preventive care (CPC) based on studies of services provided under the basic program of state guarantees of free medical care for citizens.

Materials and methods. The data of the dispensary and preventive medical examinations of certain groups of the adult population according to the registers – accounts of the region were analyzed. To assess the results of control measures in the preventive direction, the groups of violations and deviations from the ICH in the field of dispensary and preventive examinations, grouped according to the types of violations of the ICH, were applied.

Results. Based on the results of the assessments, a quality assessment of 5,451 cases of preventive interventions (2017) was organized and conducted with the participation of the health insurance organization (HIO). During the examination process, according to the aforementioned criteria, irregularities were identified or not identified in 1,459 cases (27%).

Conclusion. The preventive control measures carried out have led to a significant reduction in the number of defects in prevention and dispensary work in the region. The effectiveness of the designed and applied technological processes of CPT in the structure of CMP is confirmed by the positive indicators of the morbidity reduction in the region. The received results show the actuality and necessity of development and introduction of principles and methods of quality evaluation of preventive, rehabilitative care, as a system of knowledge and practical activity, saving and restoring the potential of public health.

Key words: ВИЧ, абсцесс, селезенка.

For citation: Пучков С.С., Фаллер А.П. Трудности диагностики абсцессов селезенки у ВИЧ-инфицированных пациентов. Вестник Медицинского института непрерывного образования. 2023; 3 (1): 44–51.


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  8. Постановление Правительства РФ от 10.12.2018 № 1506 «О программе государственных гарантий бесплатного оказания гражданам медицинской помощи на 2019 год и на плановый период 2020 и 2021 годов».


V.V. Alshevsky, D.S. Kadochnikov


Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production


In the medical community, discussions are periodically resumed on the issue of a doctor's jurisdiction for harm caused to a patient's health in the provision of medical care. The reason for its discussion is the periodic 'stuffing' in the Internet of cases of initiation of criminal cases and convictions of doctors. The reason for the continuing interest in discussing this topic is the discrepancy between the current legal norms and the physician’s worldview, which is based on the historically established tradition of attitudes towards the patient.

Key words: paternalism, morality, social security, medical care, patient

For citation: Alshevsky V.V., Kadochnikov D.S. History of development of the criminal-law aspect relationship of doctor and patient in Russia. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 40–44.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_40_44


  1. Тураев Б.А. Законы Хаммурапи. [Электронный ресурс]. https://culture/wikireading.ru/3590 (30.03.2020).
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E.A. Kukushkina1,2, K.M. Shashkin1, I.S. Obelchak1,2, N.V. Rodina1, K.N. Nikolaev1, E.N. Protsyk1


1 Main Military Clinical Hospital of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation
2 Medical Institute of Continuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production


The article provides an analysis of changes in the pulmonary parenchyma in pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus infection in the acute and separated period of the course of the disease. Based on clinical material (60 patients with viral pneumonia, who underwent classical lung radiography and computed tomography at various times of the disease) changes in radiological signs of lung tissue damage were assessed. The dependence of the course and regression of the disease on the degree of lung tissue damage was revealed according to the results of radiography and computed tomography

Key words: coronavirus infection, viral pneumonia, radiography, computer tomography, «frosted glass», fibrosis

For citation: Kukushkina E.A., Shashkin K.M., Obelchak I.S. et al. Radiation diagnostics of long-term consequences of viral pneumonia caused by COVID-19. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 46–48.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_46_48


  1. Ye Zh., Zhang Y., Wang Y. et al. Chest CT manifestations of new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a pictorial review. Eur. Radiol. 2020; 30 (8): 4381–4389.
  2. Zhang K., Liu X., Shen J. et al. Clinically applicable AI system for accurate diagnosis, quantitative measurements, and prognosis of COVID-19 pneumonia using computed tomography. Cell. 2020; 181 (6): 1423–1433.
  3. Никифоров В.В., Суранова Т.Г., Миронов А.Ю., Забозлаев Ф.Г. Новая коронавирусная инфекция (COVID-19):
  4. Обеспечение COVID-готовности отделений лучевой диагностики: учеб. пособие. Под ред. С.П. Морозова. М., 2020. 72 с.
  5. Синицын В.Е., Тюрин И.Е., Митьков В.В. Временные согласительные методические рекомендации Российского общества рентгенологов и радиологов (РОРР) и Российской ассоциации специалистов ультразвуковой диагностики в медицине (РАСУДМ) «Методы лучевой диагностики пневмонии при новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19» (версия 2). Вестник рентгенологии и радиологии. 2020; 101 (2): 72–89.



S.M. Starikov1, V.E. Yudin1, A.M. Shchegolkov2, M.A. Ryumshin2


1 Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production
2 S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


The article discusses movement disorders in vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI) and modern methods of their diagnosis. In particular, this is the technology of non-contact motion capture with the construction of a human model and a three-dimensional projection of the movements of the main body segments in 3 planes: frontal, horizontal, sagittal. The study involved 15 patients with chronic VBI, who were examined on the Habilect APC with an assessment of the position of the general center of gravity, its speed characteristics, and the center of gravity of the head. After a course of physical rehabilitation lasting 8 weeks, a repeated study of these indicators was carried out in order to assess the effectiveness of the correction of motor disorders.

Key words: vertebrobasilar insufficiency, dizziness, stabilography, tracking of body position, biomechanics, physical rehabilitation, functional diagnostics

For citation: Starikov S.M., Yudin V.E., Shchegolkov A.M., Ryumshin M.A. Using body tracking technology on the Habilect APC for the purpose of evaluation of the efficiency of physical rehabilitation of patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 50–52.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_50_52


  1. Барыш А.Е., Долуда Я.А. Симптоматика и диагностика повреждений позвоночных артерий при травматических деформациях шейного отдела позвоночника. Ортопедия, травматология и протезирование. 2012; (3): 119–124.
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  4. Ситель А.Б., Кузьминов К.О., Бахтадзе М.А. Влияние дегенеративно-дистрофических процессов в шейном отделе позвоночника на нарушения гемодинамики в вертебрально-базилярном бассейне. Мануальная терапия. 2010; 1 (37): 10–21.
  5. Стариков С.М., Поляев Б.А., Болотов Д.Д. Физическая реабилитация в комплексном лечении больных с дорсопатиями: Монография. 4-е изд., перераб. Под ред. С.М. Старикова. М.: Граница, 2019. 216 с.



S.V. Tereshchuk1,2, V.V. Kapralova2, L.S. Kolomeicev2, H. Nabahat2


1 N.N. Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital
2 Medical Institute of Continuing Education of the Moscow State University of Food Production


The article discusses the main problems of orthopedic treatment in patients with an unstable bite. Data are presented on the possibilities of assessing the quality of rehabilitation of patients with an unfocused bite using orthopedic structures based on intraosseous dental implants. Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with partial and complete adentia consists of the most adapted restoration of the functionality of the dentition by normalizing the impaired discrete occlusal, anatomically static, and dynamically integrated compensation mechanisms. The problem of orthopedic treatment of patients with an unfocused bite lies in the unpredictability of changes in the dentition, which affect the quality of verification of the central ratio, and the lack of algorithms for a straightforward diagnostic process for such a specific category of dental patients.
Particular attention is paid to the specificity and dynamics of changes in bone tissue around titanium dental implants in the immediate and whitened periods, depending on the influence of specific factors. Solving the objectification of quality indicators of orthopedic treatment based on intraosseous titanium dental implants by recording volume changes in bone tissue and stability indicators of dental implants at different stages of iatrogenic intervention is of significant scientific, practical, and public interest and requires other solutions.

Key words: unstable bite, occlusal relationship, central jaw relationships, the defects of dental row, dental implants, prosthetics

For citation: Tereshchuk S.V., Kapralova V.V., Kolomeicev L.S., Nabahat H. The rationale for evaluating the results of orthopedic treatment of patients with an unstable bite. Bulletin of the Medical Institute of Сontinuing Education. 2021; (1): 54–66.
DOI 10.46393/2782-1714_2021_1_54_66


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